Night School, Summer School and Saturday International Languages Programs

The Toronto District School Board offers Night School, Summer School, and Saturday International Languages credit courses in accordance with the Ontario Secondary School curriculum guidelines. Selection of courses must follow the requirements outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education, which are available on their website.

Credit courses are open to all high school students and adults with current prerequisites. Students may take a new credit, or re-take a course previously taken to upgrade a mark. Parents and students must consult with their day school guidance counsellor regarding their course selection, prerequisite courses, and diploma requirements. 

The Toronto District School Board reserves the right to cancel classes. A list of cancelled courses will be posted on the website seven days before the registration deadline. It is the student's responsibility to check the website Course Offering for the list of all cancelled classes. 


There is no course fees for Ontario students. 


Night School Programs

Night School runs for 15 weeks with two semesters each year: 

  • Semester 1: October to February 
  • Semester 2: February to June

Students and Adults may enroll in two credit courses per semester. Classes are held two nights per week, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Students have the option to take one course on Monday/Wednesday and the other on Tuesday/Thursday. Alternatively, students can take one credit course in Semester 1 and another in Semester 2.

Summer School Programs

  • Offered in the month of July
  • Students can only take one course, or 2 half courses (Civics/Careers)
  • Reach Ahead Program

Saturday International Languages Programs

  • Open to current high school students ages 14 - 18
  • One credit course
  • Begins in September, and runs throughout the school year every Saturday

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