Welcome to John Wanless Phys. Ed.
Dear JW Kids,
We miss you!
We hope that everyone has been able to stay safe and active over these past few weeks. Did you know that kids need 60 minutes per day of physical activity to keep them healthy? With new rules around social distancing and the cancellation of organized sport and active programming this can be challenging. Miss Sherwood and Ms. Blaney would like to help support our JW families by providing creative ideas to help keep you moving. Regular physical activity will help keep your body healthy and keep your spirits lifted.
Stay active and keep safe!
Miss Sherwood and Ms. Blaney 😊
Week 1 April 6-10
Create your own activity log! Tracking your progress will help keep you motivated and kids love to see what they have accomplished.
Write/draw to show the physical activities that you do each day of this week. How long did you do each activity for? Your goal should be to reach 60 minutes of physical activity each day! Two ideas to track your progress and are to fill a clock or create a simple chart. Feel free to come up with your own original way to track your fitness achievements.
If you are looking for some activity ideas, you could:
- Walk (How many blocks? How many steps?)
- Ride your bike/scooter (Don’t forget your helmet!)
- Skip (Practice your single & double bounce, practice skills from last year or try a new skill, do an endurance challenge & see what level you can get to: every 10 seconds = 1 level, so level 6 is 1 minute of continuous skipping)
- Run (Try your different paces; pig, horse, cheetah)
- Dance (Choose a song that lifts your spirits & move to the groove!)
- Play catch with someone in your household (overhand, underhand, Go For Gold!)
- Tabata (Ask your parents to help you find a tabata song. Can you remember some of the activities we did for our Olympic training? E.g., Burpees, plank shoulder touches, jumping jacks, crab toe touches)

Stay tuned next week...the theme will be neighbourhood challenges!
Phys. Ed. at John Wanless
*Please note that most classes will receive Phys. Ed. three times a week. Make note of your child(ren)'s gym days and ensure that they wear running shoes in order to participate safely.
The aim of John Wanless’ Health and Physical Education program is to create a quality program that focuses on healthy active living for all students. You can expect the following for your child:
- Skills and activities that relate back to Ontario curriculum standards
- An opportunity for vigorous physical activity
- Developmentally appropriate activities
- A balanced program incorporating skill development, movement education, games/sports & health-related activities
- Knowledge and skills presented in a progressive manner to promote success
- The opportunity for your child to improve or maintain their fitness level on a regular basis
- Challenging & FUN activities the encourage students to build a lifelong commitment to leading an active life 😊
Expectations are…
Listening (following instructions & freeze signal)
Attitude (always display good sportsmanship)
Clothes (MUST have running shoes to participate)
Effort (students must always try their best)
Safety ( use equipment properly, keep hands to self & not endanger other kids)
* Students not following the above criteria may be asked to sit out
John Wanless Inter-school Teams
The Phys Ed Committee and the staff have created criteria for our competitive sports teams.
Philosophy of JWPS Teams:
JWPS supports the idea of developing an appreciation and passion for competitive team sports that will continue beyond the JW experience. The team experience is intended to foster self-esteem, sportsmanship, leadership and athletic skill.
Team Selection:
A candidate will be selected based on the assessment of their overall contribution to a team. Team selection will encompass criteria beyond just athletic ability. A JW team athlete will need to demonstrate a positive attitude, respect for your players and coaches, and a strong commitment to the team.
Fall Teams
Cross Country Running (Grades 1-6)
Boys and Girls Soccer (Grades 5 & 6)
Girls Basketball (Grades 5 & 6)
Boys Volleyball (Grades 5 &6)
Winter Teams
Hockey (Boys & Girls in grades 5 & 6)
Boys Basketball (Grades 5 & 6)
Girls Volleyball (Grades 5 & 6)
**Note that in an effort to provide team sport to more students, athletes cannot play on two winter teams at the same time.
Early Spring Teams
Co-ed Badminton (Tournament-style selection process for grades 5 & 6 students)
Co-ed Volleyball (Due to a short playing season, team is coach-selected based on performance during boys' and girls' seasons)
Spring Teams
Track and Field (Grades 4,5,6)
Coed Ultimate Frisbee (Grades 5/6)
Boys Slo-pitch (Grades 5/6)
Girls Slo-pitch (Grades 5/6)
**Note that in an effort to provide team sport to more students, athletes cannot play on both Frisbee and Slo-pitch.