John Wanless Junior Public School

Current News

Upcoming Events

Feb 10th- Day 4

Feb 10th- Boys' Basketball Tournament at Allenby
Feb 10th- School Advisory Council Meeting at 7pm
Feb 11th- Grade 6 Girls' Volleyball at Pleasantview
Feb 11th- 100th Day of School
Feb 11th- SUB Lunch
Feb 12th- Grade 5 Girls' Volleyball at McKee
Feb 12th- Waste-free Wednesday
Feb 12th- Provincial Report Cards distributed electronically
Feb 13th- Popcorn Day
Feb 13th- Interviews after school
Feb 14th- Interviews in the morning; PA Day
Feb 17th- Family Day
Feb 18th- Day 3

Feb 19th- Caring and Safe Schools Committee Meeting 

The past week saw 3 of our kindergarten classes travel to Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre on Tuesday. Unfortunately Ms. Klug's trip was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances but will likely be rescheduled for Feb 21st (Date TBC). On Tuesday our Kids Lit Team participated in their first competition at Dublin Heights. All three teams performed incredibly well and our Grade 5 team emerged in second place thus qualifying for the National Finals in Hamilton. This is an incredible accomplishment-for details, please see below. The week closed out with our fabulous Dance Assembly.

The coming week will bring our next School Advisory Council Meeting on Monday night starting at 7pm. During the week all of our sports team will be in action in various locations. We will have our next SUB lunch on Tuesday which happens to be the 100th Day of the School Year. Please note that on Wednesday our Term 1 provincial Reports will be distributed electronically. Should you encounter any difficulties with the distribution, please contact your child's teacher first and we will make sure you get it. On Thursday, popcorn will once again be sold by our School Advisory Council. We also look forward to seeing many of you during the course of Thursday evening and Friday morning during interviews. Please note that Friday is a PA Day.

After-4 Program Reminders
All parents are kindly asked to review with their children the programs they have signed up for. During the course of last week we had many students who were rather uncertain as to which programs they were in. Many thanks in advance for your help!

Kindergarten Registration is Open for 2025/26
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year in the TDSB begun in January 2025. 
To qualify for Junior Kindergarten, children must be four years of age by December 31, 2025. For information, please go to
Starting Kindergarten is a very exciting time. We are here to support you and your child in getting ready for school during this important transition. Please note that once you have completed your online registration, our office staff will reach out to set up an appointment for the purpose of document verification. This process will continue during the next couple of weeks. We continue to ask for your patience.

Kids Lit 
Kids Lit Quiz is an annual literature quiz competition for students aged 10-13 founded by New Zealand quizmaster Wayne Mills. Teams face 100 questions about children's literature divided into 10 different categories. Quizzes are held all over the world, with heats in 10 different countries and KLQ hopes to continue to expand and grow.   
John Wanless brought 3 teams ( 2 Grade 6 teams & 1 Grade 5 ) to the second Kids' Lit heat at Dublin Heights on Feb 4th. Our Grade 5 team scored the second highest score of 82, second only to last year's returning champions from Dublin Heights.  With this second place finish, the team from John Wanless advanced to the National Final on Feb 5th in Hamilton, Ontario.  At the Nationals, our Grade 5 team, including some of the youngest participants, scored 17 points and came in 5th.  
We are very proud of the achievement of our group of students.  This marks a first for John Wanless, as they are our first team to advance out of regional heats and marks our first time at the National Finals!  

Notes from the Library
Our Scholastic Book Fair is coming the week of February 24th.  This is a HUGE fundraiser for our library, almost doubling our book buying budget for the year!  For every $1 spent at the book fair, our library gets almost half back in product credit with Scholastic!
Ms. Hunter is looking for volunteers to help with the fair.
Friday, February 21
2-3 volunteers to help with set up
Monday, February 24 (Preview Day) 
2 AM volunteers
2 PM volunteers 
Tuesday, February 25 - Thursday, February 27 (Purchasing Days)
4 AM volunteers each day from 8:45 - 11:30 am
4 PM volunteers each day from 12:25 - 3:15 pm
Friday, February 28
2-4 AM volunteers to help with final sales and book fair clean up 
Please email Ms. Hunter directly ( if you are able to help.  Please use Book Fair Volunteer as the subject line of your email and be sure to include your preferred days/time. Thank you for your support of this important event to support literacy in our school!

Message from the John Wanless Childcare

Dear John Wanless Parents,

The John Wanless Child Care Program will be starting the online JK/SK registration for the Before School and After School Program on Thursday February 6, 2025 at 10:00am. Please contact (416-488-8571 OR email the child care for further information if you have not received an email directly from us already. 

Lunch Supervisors Urgently Needed

We are once again looking to fill four lunchroom supervisor positions. If you enjoy working with children and are flexible enough to be at school from 11:15 -12:30 each day, please reach out directly to school administration.

John Wanless School Council NEWS

Popcorn Day:

Happy Popcorn Day! We will be selling popcorn on Thursday February 13th for $2 per bag. Students can purchase popcorn bags during lunch, outside of the lunch room. JK/SK students will purchase popcorn in their classrooms during lunch. 

Please note that the BINGO NIGHT originally scheduled for the 27th of February has now been moved to Feb 25th due to the provincial election.

John Wanless Partners with Sweets from the Earth!

This winter, indulge in delicious baked goods crafted by the health-conscious experts at Sweets from the EarthFree of: Dairy, egg, peanut, tree nut, sesame, wheat, and gluten (depending on the product). Order today at  
Fundraiser closes Friday, February 14th with products available for pick up at the school on Thursday, February 27th between 3:30pm - 6:00pm (BINGO NIGHT!)

Want to avoid lunch making on Tuesdays? Click on the links below to order today!
Pizza orders:  Order anytime during the year!
We're looking for volunteers for Pizza and Subway lunches. Please email to get involved!
We're pleased to welcome back The Lunch Lady for this school year on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hot lunches must be ordered by Monday night (for Wednesday delivery) and Wednesday (for Friday delivery). Take the stress out of lunch making and head to today to register your account and order!
We're excited to partner with Woodward Meats again this year. As a reminder, our school earns 6% back from every purchase. Last year we earned a whopping $1,400 that will go directly to the school to support our fundraising efforts! Use this link today when shopping at Woodward Meats on Brookdale and Yonge:
Stay up-to-date with all the exciting school news and events by following us on Instagram at @johnwanlessschoolcouncil

General Information

School Day Schedule for 2024-25

 8:41 Am Entry for all students- Lines for each class (Grades 1-6) will be identified in the yard

8:45-9:25 Period 1
9:25-10:05 Period 2
10:05-10:20 Recess for all Grade 1-6 students
10:20-11:00 Period 3
11:00-11:30 Period 4
11:30-12:27 Lunch for all Grade 1-6 students (Students in grades 4-6 eat in their classrooms from 11:30-11:50 and then proceed outside to play; students in Grades 1-3 eat in the lunchroom from 11:30-11:50 and then proceed outside to play. Teachers on duty will supervise from 12:12-12:27. Students will be picked up by their respective teachers from their respective outside class lines at 12:27 as we have done so this year (except in case of inclement weather).
Please note that kindergarten lunch will run from 11:15- 12:27. Students who stay at school during lunch will eat in their classrooms.
12:27  PM Entry for all students
12:30-1:10 Period 5
1:10-1:50 Period 6
1:50-2:05 Recess for all students
2:05-2:45 Period 7
2:45-3:15 Period 8
Dismissal for all Grade 1-6 students is at 3:15PM
Dismissal for Kindergarten students is at 3:00PM.

Our Team

Classroom Locations                          Grade            ROOM
Ms. George                                           JK/SK A              101
Ms. Klug                                                JK/SK B               113
Ms. Kussner                                         JK/SK C               115
Ms. Stamatiou                                       JK/SK D              111
Ms. Mamann                                          JK/SK E              003
Mr. Burton                                                1 A                    104
Ms. Fagan                                                1 B                    102
Ms. Talesnik                                             1C                    109
Ms. Flemington                                       1/2                     103
Ms. Almanova                                          2A                     201
Ms.  Hood                                                 2B                     110
Ms. Maharaj                                               2C                    207
Ms. Rendell-Dean                                      2D                    202
Ms. Jaklitch                                                3D                   203
Ms. McCrimmon                                         2/3                  210
Ms. Dempsey                                             3A                    204                                                                        
Ms. Grant                                                    3B                    205
Ms. Zarpellon                                              3C                    206
Ms. Chau                                                     4A                    215
Ms. Ng                                                          4B                   221
Ms. Wolk                                                       4/5                  213
Ms. Spencer                                                 5A                   220
Mr. Sherman                                                 5B                   211
Mr. Gaunt                                                       6A                  219
Mr. Sturm                                                       6B                  218
Ms. Patterson                                      Res. Sppt & ESL     214A
Ms. Labell                                            Resource Support  219                 
Ms. Hunter                                              Lib & Prep            LIB
Ms. Sedighi                                                  ISP                    214
Ms. Sherwood                                     Health/Phys Ed       GYM
Ms. Blaney                                          Health/Phys Ed       GYM
Ms. Lowe                                              Prep Support           212
Ms. Willingham                                       Music                     222
Ms. Yousefi                                               French                  209
Mr. Parkes                                   0.5 Resource AM/VP PM
Ms. Nejati                                                   DECE                     115
Ms. Foscarin                                              DECE                     113
Ms. Zhang                                                  DECE                     101
Ms. Lau                                                      DECE                     111
Ms. Rouhani                                                 EA                         
Ms. Lan                                                     EA-ISP                   
Ms. Rocci                                                    LRS
Ms. Chen                                                     LRS
Ms. Nguyen                                                 LRS
Ms. McLeish                                               LRS
Ms. Capella                                                   LRS
All other LRS (4)                                                                          TBD

Mr. Frazer                                                  Head Caretaker
Mr. Di Tomaso                                            Caretaker
TBD                                                            Caretaker

TBD                                                          Caretaker

Ms. Tavernese (temp)                                  Office Administrator
TBD- Unfilled                                                Office Secretary  (AM)
Mr. Parkes                                                     Vice-Principal  (PM)
Mr. Boross-Harmer                                       Principal




Welcome to John Wanless Public School

John Wanless Public School is located north of Lawrence Avenue, between Yonge Street and Avenue Road. Our TDSB mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society. This includes:

  • a strong commitment to student achievement and success;
  • a strong commitment to ensuring that student voice is incorporated in all that we do;
  • a strong commitment to ensuring that equitable practices permeate all that we do within our school community
  • a safe and caring learning environment;
  • continued commitment to ongoing professional learning for staff;
  • encouraging life-long learning; and
  • collaborative partnerships with parents and the school community.