John Wanless Junior Public School

Current News

Upcoming Events

Sept 9th- Day 5   
Sept 9th- XC starts at 7:50AM
Sept 10th- Two presentations of Matteo's Story for our students;
Sept 10th- Grade 6 Choir at Lunch
Sept11th- XC at 7:50AM
Sept 11th- Junior Choir at lunch
Sept 13th- XC at 7:50AM 
Sept 20th- SAC Welcome Back Event from 5-7pm

Oct 1st- Curriculum Night from 5:30-6:30pm Shortly followed by our first SAC meeting in the library     

It was great to see all of our students return to us on Tuesday! We would like all of our families for facilitating a smooth first day in spite of all of the construction. By all accounts, our first week went really well. All of our students in Grades 1-6 had a chance to participate in assemblies where we collectively set the tone for the coming year. We asked all of our students to play an integral part of our team, our community. We asked them to support each other in every way possible. We also asked the older students to set positive examples for the younger ones to follow. Our new lunch routines have been widely supported and it seems that our students are preferring the changes. We have also implemented our "Boomerang Lunch" for all including adults. For more details, please see below. As far as the NEW CELL PHONE/DEVICE POLICY is concerned, our students have started adapting to it with a high degree of success. During the course of the week we were also able to establish the date for two critical events- Curriculum Night and the first SAC meeting of the year. Both  events will be held on Tuesday October 1st with Curriculum Night from 5:30-6:30 followed by the SAC meeting in the library.

As far as the perimeter fence construction is concerned, much progress has been made this week. With the wet weather forecast starting this afternoon, we anticipate the need to have a few loose ends to be tied up early next week. We thank all of you for your support and patience as the contractor puts the finishing touches on the fence.

The coming week will bring a slate of new activities for our students. Cross country will commence on Monday morning- for details please see below. Our Choir will also commence with the Grade 6 Choir on Tuesdays at lunch and the Junior Choir on Wednesday at lunch. Our students will also engage in two presentations of Matteo's Story on Tuesday morning. Our school team will also meet and debrief with a number of brand new (to John Wanless) support team members, including our Special Education and Inclusion Consultant, our Social worker, our Psychologist and our Speech and language Pathologist. We will also have a 'Show & Tell" session on Thursday for all of our staff who are receiving and implementing the use  new Smart TV's for their classroom replacing the very outdated Smartboards.

ECO Team Message
Hello JW Community!  This is a message from the eco team.  Although we have not started our meetings yet, we have some information for you.  The newest change that we will be implementing this year at John Wanless is a "Boomerang Lunch", which means all children will be asked to take home any wrappers, containers, food, etc. from their lunch and snacks. Nothing from their lunch and snacks will be disposed of at school.  School lunches and snacks are a major source of waste in Ontario – the average student’s lunch generates a total of 30 kilograms of waste per school year.  We are hoping that a "Boomerang Lunch" program will eliminate some of this waste and, at the same time, it will help parents know what their child is eating and not eating at school!
  1. Get children to help pack their lunches with healthy foods
  2. Only pack as much food as your child will eat.
  3. Use a reusable lunch bag/box for carrying lunch and wash your ziploc bags in order to reuse them.
  4. Use a refillable bottle for drinks.
  5. Put sandwiches, muffins, etc. in ‘Tupperware’-style containers, instead of plastic bags. Label all containers so they have a better chance of coming home.
  6. Avoid pre-packaged, single-serve portions of snacks or drinks.
  7. Prepare extra food at dinnertime and use the leftovers for lunches. Minimize the morning rush by packing lunches the night before and refrigerating overnight.
Watch this video for more helpful tips:


Does your child want to be part of John Wanless' biggest team? The 2024 Cross Country Running season is starting next week and will be offered to all students in grades 1-6. Everyone can join this team!  

 This year we are going to have an Amazing Race Canada of a Season! Here's what you need to know…

 When: Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:50 a.m., starting on Monday, September 9th. We are asking students to show their school spirit and celebrate our theme of Amazing Race Canada by wearing red and white for their first practice. (Toque is optional!)


**The first meet is tentatively scheduled for October 2nd. Students who wish to race MUST attend practices regularly. 


Who: All kids in grades 1-6 can choose to participate.


Where: Runners will meet by the front steps of JW and train in the school yard (primary) or around the block (juniors)


What: Kids will train together with grades to run the following distances:

Grades 1 & 2: 1 km

Grade 3: 1.5 km

Grades 4-6: 2 km


Why: To get fit and have fun!


Permission forms will be sent home on Friday, September 6th and need to be returned by practice on Monday morning. 


Please note that practices are cancelled if it is raining.


So lace up and get ready to run!

Coach Blaney ( & Coach Sherwood (


SAC is thrilled to welcome our students back with a fun, family-friendly community event! Join us on the field on Friday, September 20th from 5:00 - 7:30pm to celebrate the start of the school year with DJ Magen, ice cream trucks, pizza and all your friends! A special thank you to Shima Ariakish (Right At Home Realty) for generously sponsoring the Ice Cream Trucks - they're free for everyone! Feeling hungry? Pre-order your pizza combos for $10 each at
We're pleased to welcome back The Lunch Lady for this school year on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hot lunches must be ordered by Monday night (for Wednesday delivery) and Wednesday (for Friday delivery). Take the stress out of lunch making and head to today to register your account and order!
SAC is hard at work planning our first pizza lunch offered every other Tuesday starting in October. We're also excited to offer Subway sandwiches on alternate weeks this year - giving you a break from packing lunches on Tuesdays! Stay tuned for more information. Interested in volunteering on pizza and subway days? Get involved by emailing
We're excited to partner with Woodward Meats again this year. As a reminder, our school earns 6% back from every purchase. Last year we earned a whopping $1,400 that will go directly to the school to support our fundraising efforts! Use this link today when shopping at Woodward Meats on Brookdale and Yonge:
Stay up-to-date with all the exciting school news and events by following us on Instagram at @johnwanlesssac 
Have questions? Email us at


General Information

School Day Schedule for 2024-25

 8:41 Am Entry for all students- Lines for each class (Grades 1-6) will be identified in the yard

8:45-9:25 Period 1
9:25-10:05 Period 2
10:05-10:20 Recess for all Grade 1-6 students
10:20-11:00 Period 3
11:00-11:30 Period 4
11:30-12:27 Lunch for all Grade 1-6 students (Students in grades 4-6 eat in their classrooms from 11:30-11:50 and then proceed outside to play; students in Grades 1-3 eat in the lunchroom from 11:30-11:50 and then proceed outside to play. Teachers on duty will supervise from 12:12-12:27. Students will be picked up by their respective teachers from their respective outside class lines at 12:27 as we have done so this year (except in case of inclement weather).
Please note that kindergarten lunch will run from 11:15- 12:27. Students who stay at school during lunch will eat in their classrooms.
12:27  PM Entry for all students
12:30-1:10 Period 5
1:10-1:50 Period 6
1:50-2:05 Recess for all students
2:05-2:45 Period 7
2:45-3:15 Period 8
Dismissal for all Grade 1-6 students is at 3:15PM
Dismissal for Kindergarten students is at 3:00PM.

Our Team

Classroom Locations                          Grade            ROOM
Ms. George                                           JK/SK A              101
Ms. Klug                                                JK/SK B               113
Ms. Kussner                                         JK/SK C               115
Ms. Stamatiou                                       JK/SK D              111
Ms. Mamann                                          JK/SK E              003
Mr. Burton                                                1 A                    104
Ms. Fagan                                                1 B                    102
Ms. Talesnik                                             1C                    109
Ms. Flemington                                       1/2                     103
Ms. Almanova                                          2A                     201
Ms.  Hood                                                 2B                     110
Ms. Maharaj                                               2C                    207
Ms. Rendell-Dean                                      2D                    202
Ms. Jaklitch                                                3D                   203
Ms. Dempsey                                             3A                    204                                                                        
Ms. Grant                                                    3B                    205
Ms. Zarpellon                                              3C                    206
Ms. Chau                                                     4A                    215
Ms. Ng                                                          4B                   221
Ms. Wolk                                                       4/5                  213
Ms. Spencer                                                 5A                   220
Mr. Sherman                                                 5B                   211
Mr. Gaunt                                                       6A                  219
Mr. Sturm                                                       6B                  218
Ms. Patterson                                      Res. Sppt & ESL     214A
Ms. Labell                                            Resource Support  219                 
Ms. Hunter                                              Lib & Prep            LIB
Ms. Sedighi                                                  ISP                    214
Ms. Sherwood                                     Health/Phys Ed       GYM
Ms. Blaney                                          Health/Phys Ed       GYM
Ms. Lowe                                              Prep Support           212
Ms. Willingham                                       Music                     222
Ms. Oren                                                   French                  209
Mr. Parkes                                   0.5 Resource AM/VP PM
Ms. Nejati                                                   DECE                     115
Ms. Foscarin                                              DECE                     113
Ms. Zhang                                                  DECE                     101
Ms. Lau                                                      DECE                     111
TBD                                                            EA                         TBD
Ms. Vecchio                                                EA-ISP                   TBD
Ms. Rocci                                                    LRS
Ms. Chen                                                     LRS
Ms. Nguyen                                                 LRS
Ms. McLeish                                               LRS
Mr. Emura                                                   LRS

Ms. Capella                                                 LRS

All other LRS (2)                                                                          TBD

Mr. Frazer                                                  Head Caretaker
Mr. Di Tomaso                                            Caretaker
Mr. Bellomo                                                 Caretaker

Mr. Sayed                                                   Caretaker

Ms. Marsella                                                  Office Administrator
Ms. Olephir                                                   Office Secretary  (AM)
Mr. Parkes                                                    Vice-Principal  (PM)
Mr. Boross-Harmer                                      Principal




Welcome to John Wanless Public School

John Wanless Public School is located north of Lawrence Avenue, between Yonge Street and Avenue Road. Our TDSB mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society. This includes:

  • a strong commitment to student achievement and success;
  • a strong commitment to ensuring that student voice is incorporated in all that we do;
  • a strong commitment to ensuring that equitable practices permeate all that we do within our school community
  • a safe and caring learning environment;
  • continued commitment to ongoing professional learning for staff;
  • encouraging life-long learning; and
  • collaborative partnerships with parents and the school community.