Northern Secondary School

Sept 13, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024 03:35 PM
Dear Northern Families,
We had a great week at school. All students took part in our Caring and Safe Schools assemblies this week. We discussed school expectations, the Code of Conduct, and the TDSB’s Chart of Consequences. Please have a look if you would like more details here: Policies and Procedures
Today our students leaders made up of the Student Activity Council, Boys and Girl’s Athletic Councils, and of course the Buddies served a BBQ lunch to over 500 grade 9’s. The weather co-operated and it was a great event. Most students hung around the back field playing games, chatting, and socializing. It was amazing to see so many new faces out at the event.
On September 26th we will hold Curriculum Night from 6:30-8:00pm. This is an opportunity to meet staff, learn about resources at the school, and of course hear a little about the curriculum your student is working on this semester. More details on the evening’s details (schedule) will come in next week’s bulletin. Please note, this is NOT Parent/ Guardian-Teacher interview night. That occurs on October 17th. Please do not plan on connecting with your child’s teachers about individual progress during Curriculum Night!
Start of year Forms – Parents/Guardians should have received an email from PowerSchool with instructions for enrollment to register an account online in order to fill out Start of Year & Device Forms (grade 9s and new to TDSB). Also an email, with the link to the form will be sent to the primary contact asking them for the student information and permission. A parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of a student who is under the age of 18. Students who are 18 years or older will sign on their own behalf. Parents/guardians or Students over the age of 18 years will receive a link for each of their children containing the Start of Year Forms. These forms will be completed online and submitted. Please note the Start of Year Form Package and the Student Data Verification have been combined.
Locker Update- As Northern’s enrollment has grown substantially, so too has the need for lockers. However, we have come to realize that many students do not require the use of their assigned locker. We are kindly asking all grade 11 students to use this Grade 11 – Locker Use Form to indicate their desire to keep their locker assignment or to indicate that they do not use their locker and it can be re-assigned to a student without a locker.
School Absences: Family vacations are not considered a legitimate absence. Every effort should be made to avoid scheduling family vacations during school time. Holiday dates are published in the agenda book and on the TDSB website, In the event of a missed evaluation due to a family vacation, teachers are not required to provide an alternative form of evaluation. In the case of examinations, no make-up exam or alternative arrangements will be made.
The student calendar can be found here: 2024-25 School Calendar.  Any additions made will be highlighted for a two week period throughout the year.
The student handbook can be found here: Student Handbook

Things to Know for Next Week:
Tuesday: Caring and Safe Schools Meeting @4pm (see details below)
Tuesday: School Council Meeting @6:30pm (see details below)
Wednesday: Late Start @9:55am
Thursday: New Grade 10-123 student lunch in Staff Room (105)
Friday: Grade 9 Red Knight Challenge @ lunch on back field

Fashion Show (a great Northern tradition!):
Fashion show is a great way to get involved at Northern, receive community service hours, and show your school spirit. Fashion show has many positions from dancing, modelling, fashion, design and more! Committee and choreographer forms are out now, and can be found around the school via QR code. Click HERE to link to the QR Code. More information and positions will be out shortly.

Caring & Safe Schools Committee:
This is a call for membership for the Northern Caring and Safe Schools Committee 2024-2025. Membership includes students, caregivers, teaching staff, non-teaching staff and community partners.
If you are interested in being on the Committee this year, please email Karen Stelling with your name and your role (i.e. student, caregiver, etc). Our first meeting is Tuesday September 17 at 4:00 pm in the Heritage Room. Subsequent meetings are November 19, February 25 and May 13. One of our goals for this year is to review Threats to School Safety protocols at Northern. We would love to have your input!

Reporting Student Absences
Option 1: - Download the SchoolMessenger App from the Google Play or Apple App Store
- Register by using your email account linked to our Student Information System
Option 2: - Call the automated attendance system: 1-833-250-2290
- Use your phone number linked to our Student Information System
Option 3: - Call the main office line: 416-393-0270
Option 4* - Email
Option 5* - Email the office assistant associated with your child’s last name:
- A to G:
- H to O:
- P to Z:
*Please note that options 4 & 5 may not prevent you from getting a call from the automated phone system.

Does Your Child Have an IEP?
IEP Consultation Letters
Every year, schools have the responsibility to update Individual Education Plans (IEPs) in the first 30 days of the school year, and getting parent/guardian feedback is a very important part of the process.
If you have a student with an IEP at Northern this year, you will have received an email with a blank Parent/Guardian Consultation Form. If you did not receive a form and your child/student has a TDSB IEP, please contact the appropriate support teacher below:
These can be filled out digitally or printed and returned to school via the following contacts.
• Amanda Kearney - General Special Education (room 112), email:
• John Moyer – Gifted (room 118), email:
• Heather Kessler - Deaf and Hard of Hearing (room 338), email:
What feedback is important? Any parent/guardian perspective on how your student is doing is valuable, and especially noting challenges they are facing that the school can support. If there has been a recent assessment, please note this so that staff can reach out to consult.
Having trouble accessing the form? Please contact the special education teachers directly via email, and they can help you access/deliver your form.
If your child had an IEP with a board other than the TDSB - Please reach out to the respective guidance counsellor to notify them and to provide supporting documentation. Guidance counsellors will explain the TDSB’s process for the establishment of an IEP.
Parent/Guardian Special Education Support:
TDSB Special Education and Inclusion
Guide to Special Education and Inclusion for Parents/Caregivers/Guardians

Student Accident Insurance Reminder
The Toronto District School Board does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school premises or during school sponsored activities.
Parents/ guardians are responsible for deciding whether or not to purchase student accident insurance. The insurance program options range from $17 to $33 per year.
Letter: TDSB Student Accident Insurance Letter
Flyer: Student Accident Plan Flyer
Website: Student Accident Plan
Should further information about the above including the policy or purchasing details, please visit or call 1-833-560-0527 (toll-free) or 416-916-1588 (local).

Student Success Updates
Peer Tutoring- Peer tutoring is now available in all compulsory classes for all grades! To be matched with a tutor, please fill out this form.
Northern's Student Nutrition Program- Each week Student and Parent Volunteers prepare FREE lunch for students on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays starting September 24th. If you would like to receive FREE lunch every week please sign up here.
If you are a parent looking to volunteer, please email

Math Competitions:

The NSS Math Department is excited to offer a variety of math competitions, again, for the 2024-2025 school year.
Signups are currently open for the following contests:
Canadian Lynx Math Competition - Register by Thursday Sept 18.
Canada National Math League Contest #1, 2 and 3
Canadian Open Math Competition - Register by Thursday Oct 10
Canadian Intermediate/Senior Math Contests - Register by Thursday Oct 10
Students can sign up by completing the registration forms on the 2024-2025 NSS Math Contest Google Classroom using class code: x56enxz
Please direct any contest questions to

Library Learning Commons:
1) Library Hours and Services
• All NSS students are able to access the Library Learning Commons for book exchange, quiet study, and printing services:
o Monday-Friday 8:30-8:55 am, 12:20-12:40 pm, and 3:15-3:45 pm,
o open until 4:15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays
• NSS Students with a spare in their timetable may access the Library during class time for Quiet Study. Students may be asked by a Teacher-Librarian to confirm the spare on their timetable.
2) Found some NSS Library books over the summer?
• Bring them into the Library: there will be no overdue fee or penalty.
• Use the Book Drop outside the Library entrance at any time to return borrowed items (overdue or not)
3) Toronto Public Library: Northern District Branch
• Visit the website or in person to find more information about services, volunteer opportunities, and hours of operation at our closest TPL branch!

Student Password Re-set:
Students in Grades 5-12 can also reset their passwords directly on the login page of many online tools, including Brightspace. Once registered, students will be able to validate their password reset requests using security questions, email, phone, text message, or the “Microsoft Authenticator” smartphone app.
For additional information, please view this infographic or demo video.

School Council:
1. School Council meeting - Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30 pm. School Council meets in the Northern Secondary School Library. We are looking forward to seeing you in person or on the screen - the meeting will be hybrid. If you would like to attend virtually, please email us at with the subject line "School Council Meeting Link." The link will be sent by 5 pm the day of the meeting.
2. Ask Adam The Principal's update is an important part of every school council meeting. If you have a question about something that is happening at Northern, please submit your question to with "Ask Adam" in the subject line.
3. Gifted mailing list. If your student is in Northern’s gifted program, please feel free to join the Gifted Advisory Committee mailing list. To join our mailing list, please sign up here.
4. Parent Volunteers. Parent council is always looking for volunteers. Our council is composed of 15 voting parent members, one community member and several school members. We also welcome volunteers to help with projects, social events, website maintenance etc. If you want to get involved, we are happy to find a place for your contributions.
5. Walking Buddies. Parent walking buddies will be starting soon. Join other Northern parents for some fresh air, exercise, and conversation about school, kids, and life! If you are interested in joining this group and/or helping to lead a walk, please send a message with “Walking buddies” in the subject line.

Northern Secondary School Foundation:
The Northern Foundation is a charitable organization started in 1999 by parents, alumni and staff to generate funds for scholarships and grants to support Northern Secondary School student initiatives. It is managed by a Board of Directors. We are pleased to distribute 40 Scholarships annually at Commencement and the fall Awards Assembly.
If you would like further information about NSSF, please visit our website at or follow us on Instagram @northernssfoundation. If you would to get involved in the work of the Foundation, email us at . We would love to hear from you!

Director of Education Search Survey
As the TDSB searches for its next Director of Education, they want to hear from you! A survey is being conducted to learn more about insights on the appointment of the TDSB’s next leader. Students, staff, parents/guardians/caregivers and members of the broader community are encouraged to take the time to share their thoughts on opportunities that lie ahead for the new Director of Education in the coming years. The results of this survey will be used to develop criteria to select the next Director of Education who will shape the TDSB’s future strategy, key performance indicators, and will build upon the TDSB’s commitments to its diverse community of students, staff, and stakeholders. Survey responses will be confidential and reported anonymously as group data. Please submit your survey no later than September 22, 2024 at 11:59 pm. Access the survey at

Guidance Updates:
WellNSS Quote of the Week: “Sometimes self care is exercising and eating right. Sometimes it’s spending time with your loved ones or taking a nap…Whatever soothes your soul.” Nanea Hoffman
1. Post-Secondary Lunchtime Visit Calendar
Guidance has booked individual schools to give a lunch time presentation for our students. Please check out the Post-Secondary Lunch time visit calendar here.
2. SAVE THE DATE: NSS Post-Secondary Fair: Wednesday, October 23, 2024,6 – 8pm
Please save the date for our NSS Post-Secondary Evening Presentation and Fair. With over 40 schools in attendance, you are sure to find excellent info about post-secondary opportunities!
3. TDSB Semester 1 Day School eLearning Registration is OPEN.
If you are in grade 11 or 12 and want more information click here.
Registration closes Friday, September 20, 2024 at 12:00pm.
4. TDSB Semester 1 Night School (Con Ed) registration is OPEN.
You can find course offerings here.
You can find registration information here.
Courses with low enrollment closed Friday, September 20, 2024 at 10am.
Registration closes Friday, September 27, 2024 at 10 am.
5. Saturday International Languages Program Registration is OPEN.
You can find information here.
6. 2024-2025 Guidance Counsellors by Last Name Alpha:
Kristen Beach,, X 20042, Alpha: A, F, P
Jenny Sohn,, X 20041, Alpha: B, C, E, I
Deborah Poutissou,, X 20046, Alpha: D, G, J, T, Z
Jennifer MacPhee,, X 20045, Alpha: H, K, L
Sean Magee-Saxton,, X 20043, Alpha: M, N, O, Q,R
Melanie Stassis, C.L.,, X 20044, Alpha: S, U, V, W, X, Y
7. Booking a Guidance Appointment:
The Guidance appointment system will open on Monday, Sept 9, 2024.
To book an appointment:
8. Student Guidance Google Classrooms:
Students, please ensure you are registered in your grade’s Guidance Google Classroom. This is where we share all our important information throughout the year.
Sign-up for your Guidance Google Classroom:
Grade 9 Google Classroom code: bedkqks
Grade 10 Google Classroom code: x6sh4ue
Grade 11 Google Classroom code: 4ixv2jl
Grade 12 Google Classroom code: kmv6fcz
9. Mental Wellness Resource Document
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

Have a Concern?
If you have general inquiries, please reach out to the appropriate Vice-Principal by alphabetical last name. Emails to the principal will generally be forwarded directly to the appropriate vice-principal by (alphabetical last name).
Vice Principals for your Reference:
Surnames A to G: Ms. Karen Stelling 416-393-0284 ext. 20013 (
Surnames H to O: Ms. Jessica Pearson 416-393-0284 ext. 20012 (
Surnames P to Z: Ms. Joy Kim 416-393-0284 ext. 20011 (

Have a great weekend,
Adam Marshall
Follow me @PrincipalNSS