Dear Northern Families,
Our first full week of semester 2 is in the bank. We had our course fair today during lunch and there was a real buzz as students explored options for next year (and beyond). Please see the guidance section below for more information on the process.
We are in the thick of flu season…we are noticing more absences due to illness. Please refer to this SLIDESHOW from Toronto Public Health on preventing the spread of airborne illnesses.
As a follow up to some of the information provided last week here is a link to a help site for tech for families:
As a reminder about lockers, please be sure to bring a lock to school to safely lock up your belongings in your own locker. Please DO NOT leave belongings in unlocked lockers. We have had several instances of student belongings going missing in unlocked lockers. If you need assistance with your locker, or need to be assigned a locker, please come to the Vice Principal’s office.
Next Friday February 14th is a PD Day (no school) and Monday February 17th is Family Day (no school).
The student calendar can be found here: 2024-25 School Calendar. Any additions made will be highlighted for a two week period throughout the year.
The student handbook can be found here: Student Handbook
Things to Know for Next Week:
Tuesday: School Council Meeting @6:30pm – details below
Wednesday: ELL Parent/Guardian Potluck @6-8pm – details below
Thursday: SAC Spirit Day! (Dress to Impress OR Red, Pink, White Day- think Valentine’s!)
Friday: PA Day- No School!
Monday: February 17- Family Day- No School!
ELL Parent/Guardian Options Potluck – Course Selection 2025
We are pleased to invite you to our ELL Parent/Guardian Options Potluck!
The ESL & Guidance departments are hosting this event on Wednesday, February 12th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the school library.
Please join us for an information session about course selection, graduation requirements and more. Bring a small amount of food (appetizer, main dish or desert) to add to our potluck if you wish. ELL Parents/Guardians and their students are invited and encouraged to come for this informative and helpful event.
We hope to see you there!
Please RSVP through this Options Potluck Google Form or email
Grad Quote/Superlative Form : Hey Grade 12s! Fill out this form to submit your Grad Quote and to vote on this year's Superlatives: The deadline to fill this out is February 21st.
To any students who believe the name that may appear in the yearbook under their student portrait is not their preferred name, please fill out this name change request form:
The deadline to fill both forms is February 21st.
Thank you!
Learn for Life (Adult Education):
Registration for the spring session will begin February 12 at 8:30am. Northern is one of the locations where classes are offered. Please see this FLYER for offerings here and around the board!
Attention Graduates!
We will be holding a second chance for graduation photos here at the school on February 10 and 11th! Please book your appointment by following the link below:
Please come prepared in a white collared shirt and tie. Graduation gown, hat, sash, and props will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own small props to personalize your session.
Come and celebrate this achievement!
Student Success:
Peer Tutoring is available for Semester 2!
All information about Peer Tutoring, including the sign-up form, can be found on our NEW website:
Northern's NEW Careers Week: Careers in the Trades Feb 10-13
Careers Week will highlight some of the certified skilled trades that our students are able to access through Dual Credits, OYAP, Skills Ontario, etc. while still in high school.
There will be a variety of class speakers and lunch-hour experiences that students can partake in. See the calendar of events and sign up links here.
Canadian Computing Competition:
Calling all computer programmers! Do you want to compete with other computer science enthusiasts and flex your ability to understand, design, and implement algorithms? Well then register to compete in the Canadian Computing Competition!
Contest date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Join the google classroom with code: fvzkjjb
And please see Dr. Afsari to register and create an account. Room 231 Contest fee per participant: $10.50 to be paid through “School Cash Online” today!
Special Education and Inclusion February Newsletter for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers
The Special Education and Inclusion Department is pleased to share the February Newsletter for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers that highlights some relevant resources and information for families.
Library Learning Commons - upcoming events:
RETURN or RENEW your Library Books and bring back your Day Use Chromebooks All students with overdue Library materials will be getting an email reminding them to return or renew their borrowed items. Books can be returned to the Drop Box outside the Library. Chromebooks and chargers borrowed for the day need to be returned to the Circulation Desk.
School Council:
1. Walking Buddies - Sunday, February 9th at 9:30 am. Join other Northern parents for some fresh air, exercise, and conversation about school, kids, and life! If you are interested in joining us, please send a message with “Walking buddies” in the subject line.
2. School Council meeting - Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30 pm. School Council meets in the Northern Secondary School Library. We are looking forward to seeing you in person or on the screen - the meeting will be hybrid. If you would like to attend virtually, please email us at with the subject line "School Council Meeting Link." The link will be sent by 5 pm the day of the meeting.
3. Ask Adam The Principal's update is an important part of every school council meeting. If you have a question about something that is happening at Northern, please submit your question to with "Ask Adam" in the subject line.
4. External Free Resources for Families
We are happy to share free resources that are likely to be of broad interest to Northern families.
Mindfulness Meditation Presentation - Wednesday, February 12th at 7 pm. Join for a guided mindfulness practice with certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher, Karen Waddell. Advance registration is required.
Empowering Neurodivergent Children and Teens for Success in School and Life - Thursday, February 27th at 7 pm. Join this Pine River Institute presentation to hear from Dr Sharon Saline, a psychologist, author and consultant. Advance registration is required.
Northern Secondary School Foundation:
February is Black History Month— a time to recognize the achievements of Northern’s many Black alumni and learn more about their stories. Go to to read about the careers of Emily Mills NSS ’96, Daniel Adeboboye and Louis Hobson NSS ’99.
Guidance Updates:
- February’s Wellness Theme is “Setting Intentions”
Setting Intentions Quote of the Week: "Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Chose without regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is." — Mary Ann Radmacher
- 2025-2026 Course Selection To Know: It is that time of year again! Course selection for the 2025-2026 school year will begin in February 2025.
- myBlueprint OPENS: February 5, 2025
- myBlueprint CLOSES: February 26, 2025
- PARENT/GUARDIAN Approval Due: Feb 26, 2025
- Check out the NSS 2025-2026 Google Info Site! All you need to know about Course Selection
- Thank you to everyone who attend the NSS Evening 2025-2026 Course Selection Presentation. Please find the slides here.
- 2024 – 2025 Scholarship Updates:
Seeking Scholarships has released their February Scholarship Report which has upcoming scholarship dates listed for students applying to post-secondary programs. It also has some great tips this month for applying to scholarships and funding post-secondary education.
Please note: This resource is copyrighted and only available to Northern families - please do not share outside of the Northern community.
Northern-specific scholarship information and deadlines (along with other common awards that students apply to can be found here):
A general list of scholarships has been shared with Grade 11 & 12 students, and can be found here. This list includes major scholarship awards that require a nomination from Northern (highlighted in yellow). Now is a great time for Grade 12 students to take a look and plan out which awards they may want to apply for!
- IMPORTANT Volunteering Information:
PLEASE NOTE: Events and activities supporting a not-for-profit initiative/organization are approved. If you are unsure if your activities supports a not-for-profit program, please see your Guidance counsellor for approval of the volunteering initiative. For more information about the TDSB’s policy on Volunteering, click here. Students: for volunteering information and opportunities, please visit your Guidance Google classroom or You can find the TDSB Community Involvement form here.
- Online Graduation Requirement – Information and Opt-Out Form.
Looking for information about the Ontario Ministry Online Learning graduation requirement? Please click here. Overview Info: Students may withdraw/opt out of this new requirement and graduate with an OSSD if you have decided now to withdraw from the graduation requirement, please complete the TDSB Opt Out/Withdrawal Form and return it to your Guidance Counsellor.
- Mental Wellness Resource Document
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Have a great weekend!
Adam Marshall
Follow me @PrincipalNSS