Dear Northern Families,
A reminder to students that your first progress/ mark update comes on March 5th (just 12 days away). Make sure you are on top of your assignments/ studying this weekend. Positive news just before March Break is always nice to receive!
Here is a link to the LEARN FOR LIFE catalogue again. These are evening educational opportunities for adults available in TDSB schools. Have a look if you want to learn a new hobby, skill, language, or just practice something you are already involved in.
A reminder to students and families that cellphones are to be turned off and out of sight during instructional time unless explicit permission has been granted by the classroom teacher. This means cellphones should not bee seen in ALL spaces in the school during instructional time! Teachers have expectations
As a reminder about lockers, please be sure to bring a lock to school to safely lock up your belongings in your own locker. Please DO NOT leave belongings in unlocked lockers. We have had several instances of student belongings going missing in unlocked lockers. If you need assistance with your locker, or need to be assigned a locker, please come to the Vice Principal’s office.
The student calendar can be found here: 2024-25 School Calendar. Any additions made will be highlighted for a two week period throughout the year.
The student handbook can be found here: Student Handbook
Things to Know for Next Week:
Tuesday: Black History Month Assembly- Schedule below.
Wednesday: Late Start @9:55am
Wednesday: NSS Course Selection is Due 4pm @
Wednesday: Pascal, Cayley, Fermat Math Contests
Friday: First Day of Ramadan
Black History Month Assembly
Our Black History Month Assembly is taking place on Tuesday, February 25th during period 1.
We are looking forward to a presentation by spoken word artist Dwayne Morgan, as well as student performances of step dance, singing and speeches.
Assembly Schedule:
Period 1: 9:00 – 11:00 (both assemblies during this period)
Period 2: 11:05-12:10
Lunch: 12:10 – 1:10
Period 3: 1:10 – 2:10
Period 4: 2:15-3:15
Talent Show:
Hey Red Knights! Looking for a way to showcase your talents in a fun way? Northern is hosting its first ever talent show this April! Sign up for auditions now with this link: Make sure to follow our instagram @northerntalentshow for more updates!
Caring & Safe Schools Committee
- next Caring & Safe Schools Committee meeting is on Tuesday, March 4th at 4:00 pm in the Heritage Room (114). Membership includes students, caregivers, teaching staff, non-teaching staff and community partners. New members are always welcome!
Hey Northern! This coming Wednesday is WWF National Sweater Day! National Sweater Day is an annual event that encourages people to save energy by wearing a sweater when they get cold instead of turning up their heating. (it is also Jersey Day at Northern, so what a great opportunity to accomplish to things at once!). Heating a home can require nearly 50,000 watts of electricity, so reducing your home's temperature can have a significant positive impact on the environment! On Wednesday make sure to wear your biggest and most fun sweater to school and at home! Stay warm red knights!
U of T National Biology Competition
Are you interested in testing your biology knowledge? The U of T National Biology Competition is open to all high school students, but is recommended for Grade 11 and 12 biology students looking for a challenge.
This year the competition will be taking place during period 2 on Wednesday, April 16.
If you are interested, please join the NBC Google classroom using the code mkxdkc6.
In order to register, you will need to fill out the registration form through the Google classroom and bring $7 cash to your biology teacher (Ms. Barkley, Mr. Isaac, Ms. Lauzon, Mr. Ross, or Mr. Zamec) or to Mr. Swadron's office in room 329 by Thursday, April 10.
The contest will be 75 minutes and consists of 50 multiple-choice questions.
For more information visit or email
Northern Math Contests:
A reminder to students who have registered for Pascal, Cayley, and Fermat Math Contests.
- We will be writing on Wednesday February 26th in the cafeteria. We will start promptly at 9:55am so please be there by 9:45am.
Registration is still open for the following math contests
- Fryer, Galois, and Hypatia Contests
University of Waterloo
Deadline: Thursday, February 27
- Euclid Contest
University of Waterloo
Deadline: Thursday, February 27
- Canadian National Math League (6)
Deadline: Thursday, March 6
Our Google Classroom has access to the registration forms and links. Our classroom code is x56enxz
BAA/ Boys Athletic Association Announcements:
Join the BAA (Boys Athletic Association) next week Feb 24th - Feb 29th -as they have their spirit week;
Monday - Wear Northern Merch/ Colours Day
Tuesday - anything but a backpack day
Weds - Show off your fav sports Jersey Day
Thursday - Show off your fav hat
Friday -Beach Day
There will be a BAA (Boys Athletic Association) meeting - all BAA members welcome - this Monday Feb 24th at lunch in Room 335
St. Michael's College Irish Heritage Award 2025
In anticipation of Canada’s Irish Heritage Month in March and in acknowledgement of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, the University of St. Michael’s College, in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland and Consulate General of Ireland, Toronto, announces awards celebrating the important historic and continuing contribution of the Irish in Canada.
Please note that submissions are due on March 26, 2025.
Please see the attached for further information and contact details.
Guides for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers Video Series
Special Education and Inclusion is excited to share our Guides for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers video series. These videos provide an overview of our Guides to Special Education, designed to help families understand the programs, services, and supports available to students. From learning about Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to navigating the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) process, these resources are here to support you every step of the way. We also encourage you to explore the full guides on the Special Education and Inclusion Website, where you will find additional Special Education resources for families.
Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement
Please see the following upcoming opportunities for students, staff and community offered by the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement.
Honouring African Heritage Experiences
People of African descent have a rich legacy of cultural practices and traditions across generations. The Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement in collaboration with various community educators is excited to offer diverse learning experiences focused on honouring and affirming African, African-Caribbean and Black students' identities. These African-centred programming and learning experiences provide opportunities for students, staff, caregivers and community members. Please find the menu for February.
Virtual Student Opportunities
Black Space Innovators Canadian Multicultural Inventors Museum (4-8)
Date: February 26, 2025
Time: 10 – 11 a.m.
Registration link
For more information contact,, Centrally Assigned Principal, or, Program Coordinator, Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement.
RETURN or RENEW your Library Books and bring back your Day Use Chromebooks- Students with overdue Library materials received an email reminding them to return or renew their books and devices. Books can be returned to the Drop Box outside the Library. Chromebooks and chargers borrowed for the day need to be returned to the Circulation Desk.
Student Success:
Peer Tutoring is available for Semester 2! All information about Peer Tutoring, including the sign-up form, can be found on our NEW website:
School Council:
1. Walking Buddies - Saturday, February 22nd at 9:30 am. Join other Northern parents for some fresh air, exercise, and conversation about school, kids, and life! If you are interested in joining us, please send a message with “Walking buddies” in the subject line.
2. External Free Resources for Families
Tell Me More: An information session for adults supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ youth - Tuesday, February 25th. 7-9 p.m. Toronto Pflag and Fairlawn Avenue United Church warmly invite you to this free event. The session covers key 2SLGBTQIA + language and concepts, inclusive parenting, and how to prepare for and/or handle the coming out conversation. Our goal is to help attendees support the queer youth in their lives by providing basic, accurate information and creating a safe space for questions and conversation.
Location: Fairlawn Avenue United Church, 28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, ON
Please register here
Empowering Neurodivergent Children and Teens for Success in School and Life - Thursday, February 27th at 7 pm. Join this Pine River Institute presentation to hear from Dr Sharon Saline, a psychologist, author and consultant. Advance registration is required.
Northern Secondary School Foundation:
The Federal Government delivered important news last month when they officially confirmed the extension of the 2024 tax deadline for charitable donations. This means eligible charitable gifts made before February 28th 2025, can be claimed on 2024 tax returns. Please consider supporting students at Northern Secondary School with a donation made before Feb 28th. Your support helps champion student led clubs, teams and initiatives.
For more information
Connect with us on insta @northernssfoundation.
Contact us at
Guidance Updates:
- February’s Wellness Theme is “Setting Intentions”
Setting Intentions Quote of the Week: “I don't have any control over what actually happens except for that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I'm there. That's all that matters.” Anonymous
- 2025-2026 Course Selection myBlueprint CLOSES: February 26, 2025 at 4pm.
- PARENT/GUARDIAN Approval Due: Feb 26, 2025 at 4pm.
- Check out the NSS 2025-2026 Google Info Site! All you need to know about Course Selection
- Thank you to everyone who attend the NSS Evening 2025-2026 Course Selection Presentation. Please find the slides here. Please find the recording of our evening presentation here.
- **NEW UPDATES for TDSB Summer School Options:
Continuing Education (ConEd) and e-Summer are two separate departments.
- e-Summer Information here
- asynchronous online e-learning
- July and August courses available
- Grade 11 and 12 courses
- July e-Learning Key Dates: July e-Learning registration closes June 3, 2025
- August e-Summer Key Dates – Registration closes July 4, 2025.
- ConEd Information here
- ConEd Summer School classes will be held from July 2 to July 25, 2025 - Monday to Friday, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- These classes are available only in July.
- ConEd Remote Learning: All Grade 9 and 10 credit courses will be delivered through synchronous online learning.
- ConEd In-Person Learning: All Grade 9 to 12 credit courses, students will attend face-to-face classes with a teacher.
- Summer School In Person Sites/Locations
Registration for BOTH the 2025 e-Summer School Program and ConEd Summer School Program will OPEN on Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM for TDSB students.
- 2024 – 2025 Scholarship Updates:
Seeking Scholarships has released their February Scholarship Report which has upcoming scholarship dates listed for students applying to post-secondary programs. It also has some great tips this month for applying to scholarships and funding post-secondary education.
Please note: This resource is copyrighted and only available to Northern families - please do not share outside of the Northern community.
Northern-specific scholarship information and deadlines (along with other common awards that students apply to can be found here):
A general list of scholarships has been shared with Grade 11 & 12 students, and can be found here. This list includes major scholarship awards that require a nomination from Northern (highlighted in yellow). Now is a great time for Grade 12 students to take a look and plan out which awards they may want to apply for!
- IMPORTANT Volunteering Information:
PLEASE NOTE: Events and activities supporting a not-for-profit initiative/organization are approved. If you are unsure if your activities supports a not-for-profit program, please see your Guidance counsellor for approval of the volunteering initiative. For more information about the TDSB’s policy on Volunteering, click here. Students: for volunteering information and opportunities, please visit your Guidance Google classroom or You can find the TDSB Community Involvement form here.
- Online Graduation Requirement – Information and Opt-Out Form.
Looking for information about the Ontario Ministry Online Learning graduation requirement? Please click here. Overview Info: Students may withdraw/opt out of this new requirement and graduate with an OSSD if you have decided now to withdraw from the graduation requirement, please complete the TDSB Opt Out/Withdrawal Form and return it to your Guidance Counsellor.
- Mental Wellness Resource Document
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Have a great weekend!
Adam Marshall
Follow me @PrincipalNSS