Dear Northern Families,
Progress Updates come out Wednesday this week. Please keep an eye out. Opportunities to book Parent/ Guardian-Teacher Interviews will be made available following March Break. Sign-Up details coming in next week’s bulletin.
The Black History Month Assembly was a resounding success! Big congratulations to BlackNSS on an amazing show. Thank you to Sharon Irving, Ryan Edwards, Stage Crew and all of the student leaders, dancers, singers, speakers, designers and models. The performance from Dwayne Morgan was thought provoking and inspirational. The entire assembly was student-centred, engaging and meaningful. Well done!
Congratulations to Alexandra V. and Keira L. for qualifying for DECA Internationals. Also, congratulations to all our students who participated in DECA provincials! Go Red Knights!
HEY NORTHERN!! Please check out the new and improved SAC website here! From a detailed list of our clubs and associations to brand-new school maps, the new website includes everything Northern has to offer. Big thanks to our Head of Communications, Katherine K, for dedicating her time to this!
The student calendar can be found here (link should be good this week!): 2024-2025 School Calendar. Any additions made will be highlighted for a two week period throughout the year.
The student handbook can be found here: Student Handbook
Things to Know for Next Week:
Monday- Friday: United Way Thrift Shop
Tuesday: Caring & Safe School Committee Meeting @4pm (details below)
Tuesday: Careers in the trades (see below)
Wednesday: Progress/ Mark Update
Wednesday: Winter Athletic Assembly Period 1 (see below)
Friday: March Break begins @3:15!
Caring & Safe Schools Committee
- next Caring & Safe Schools Committee meeting is on Tuesday, March 4th at 4:00 pm in the Heritage Room (114). Membership includes students, caregivers, teaching staff, non-teaching staff and community partners. New members are always welcome!
Winter Athletic Assembly
If you played a sport at Northern this Winter, you are welcome to attend the Winter Athletic Assembly on Tuesday March 4 during period 1 in the auditorium. You will need to pick up an admission ticket from the South or North gym on Monday all day or Tuesday morning before class in order to attend!
Toronto Public Health is currently assessing immunization records for students born in 2008 and attending a school in the Toronto District School Board. If Toronto Public Health does not have record of your student’s immunizations, you should have received a letter in the mail with a yellow notice.
Please update your immunization information before the end of March Break to avoid suspension.
If you have updated immunization information, please share it with Toronto Public Health one of two ways:
If your student needs to be vaccinated, please get vaccinated as soon as possible. Go to to book an appointment
Parents/caregivers who are unsure about their child’s vaccination history, have records in other languages, cannot find their child’s records, or are unsure about what they need to do next, encourage them to call Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 for assistance.
Parents who choose not to vaccinate their child, should apply for an exemption and attend a required education session. Details can be found online at
Toronto Public Health:
Measles continues to circulate in Ontario and around the world, with an outbreak currently occurring in the southwest of the province. In the past year, Ontario reported more than 80 cases of measles and Toronto reported 10 cases. By comparison, 101 measles cases were reported to Ontario public health units from 2014 to 2023.
In Toronto, most measles cases are travel-related, including travel around March Break. We ask that you encourage students and family members in your school community to stay up-to-date with their routine vaccines, including the measles vaccine before March Break travel.
Please find BELOW (following my sign-off) additional information and link with infographics and newsletter content about measles and the vaccine.
For those in town during the March Break, Toronto Public Health (TPH) will be hosting vaccine catch-up clinics. The clinics provide a convenient way for students to receive routine vaccines required in the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA), including the measles vaccine. Appointments are available at
If parents and guardians have questions, they should contact TPH at or 416-338-7600, Monday to Friday
Talent Show:
Hey Red Knights! Looking for a way to showcase your talents in a fun way? Northern is hosting its first ever talent show this April! Sign up for auditions now with this link: Make sure to follow our instagram @northerntalentshow for more updates!
U of T National Biology Competition
Are you interested in testing your biology knowledge? The U of T National Biology Competition is open to all high school students, but is recommended for Grade 11 and 12 biology students looking for a challenge.
This year the competition will be taking place during period 2 on Wednesday, April 16.
If you are interested, please join the NBC Google classroom using the code mkxdkc6.
In order to register, you will need to fill out the registration form through the Google classroom and bring $7 cash to your biology teacher (Ms. Barkley, Mr. Isaac, Ms. Lauzon, Mr. Ross, or Mr. Zamec) or to Mr. Swadron's office in room 329 by Thursday, April 10.
The contest will be 75 minutes and consists of 50 multiple-choice questions.
For more information visit or email
RETURN or RENEW your Library Books and bring back your Day Use Chromebooks
Students with overdue Library materials received an email reminding them to return or renew their books and devices. Books can be returned to the Drop Box outside the Library. Chromebooks and chargers borrowed for the day need to be returned to the Circulation Desk.
Student Success:
Careers Week: Careers in the Trades - Events Rescheduled
Tuesday, March 4 - Period 2, 3 and 4
Agenda for the day:
Period 2: Skills Ontario rep Location - auditorium
Period 3: Northern Alumni to talk about their experience in the skilled trades + Centennial College Rep Location - auditorium
Period 4: Northern Alumni to talk about their experience in the skilled trades + Centennial College Rep Location - auditorium
If you would like to attend any of these events, please email to reserve your spot!
Student Nutrition Program
The Student Nutrition Program is looking for Parent Volunteers for the 2025/2026 school year. The commitment would be 10:30-12:30 one or more days a week. If you are interested, please email
2025-26 Indigenous Student Trustee Application
Each year, the Indigenous Student Trustee is appointed by the Elders Council in relationship with the Toronto Indigenous Youth Council and System Superintendent of Indigenous Education. The work of the Indigenous Student Trustee is guided by the Elders Council, the Urban Indigenous Community Advisory Council, the Board Lead and the System Superintendent, Indigenous Education, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls To Action, 2015 (TRC), and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
One of the primary roles of the Indigenous Student Trustee at the TDSB is to engage with First Nations, Métis and Inuit students across the board and represent the successes, joys, creativity, concerns, and challenges. First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ voices are underrepresented in the education system, and engaging with First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth is of critical importance to shifting current conditions that adversely impact and harm First Nations, Métis and Inuit student well-being.
This position is open to First Nations, Métis and Inuit students who will be in Grade 11 or 12 in the 2025-26 school year. Students interested in applying for this position are asked to submit the Indigenous Student Trustee Application form before 4 p.m. on Friday, March 7.
Application: Indigenous Student Trustee Application Form
Letter: Indigenous Student Trustee Letter
Students and staff can email with any questions about the application or position.
Excellence Awards 2025 Nominations Open Tomorrow
Every year, the TDSB Excellence Awards help share the untold stories of extraordinary staff commitment, and we are delighted to announce that nominations for the Excellence Awards 2025 will open tomorrow, February 25.
The Excellence Awards align with our shared system priorities and help highlight TDSB staff’s efforts to foster joy, engagement and belonging in our schools, workplaces, and communities as a foundation for academic achievement, student success, and service excellence. We want to know about the TDSB colleagues you know who are inspiring students, innovating the curriculum, championing digital transformation, creating inclusive schools and workplaces, and working behind the scenes to support operational excellence.
We welcome nominations from anyone – staff, students, parents/caregivers or community members – so we encourage you to submit nominations and to encourage your colleagues to submit nominations between February 25 and April 4, 2025 through the Excellence Awards website.
Join the Movement: Say NO to Vaping 🚭
As part of this important initiative, the Health & Physical Education Department is excited to announce the TDSB Anti-Vaping Poster Contest—and we want your students to get involved!
Why is this important?
Vaping poses serious health risks, including lung damage and addiction. Spreading awareness is essential, and together, we can educate and empower students to make informed, healthier choices. Teachers are encouraged to utilize the comprehensive 3-part lesson plans on the TDSB E-Cigarette & Vaping website to educate their students on the serious health risks of vaping and to inspire their creativity when completing their Anti-Vaping poster.
How to participate:
- Create an original poster that highlights the dangers vaping to their peers (be imaginative—use your creative skills, powerful messages, and imagery!). Winners will be selected from two entry categories: Grade 4-8 and Grade 9-12. Please review the Contest Guidelines prior to submission.
- Submit your design by Friday March 21st to the following Google Form
- Winning entries will have their poster professionally printed and featured in schools across the TDSB! Student posters could help change minds and spark conversations about the dangers of vaping.
We’re excited to showcase TDSB students’ creativity and voice to make an impact across the Board. Let’s work together to promote a healthier future for everyone in our school community. Please see this contest invitation
March Learning Sessions for Staff and Families
Learning and engagement sessions continue to be made available for both staff and families, providing valuable opportunities to explore inclusive and anti-ableist practices and implement concrete strategies in the classroom and at home. These sessions are designed to support student achievement and well-being. Please click this link to access the sessions being offered.
World Hearing Day
March 3rd is World Hearing Day. The World Health Organization hosts this day each year to promote awareness of hearing related challenges and the importance of hearing health care. The theme for 2025 is Changing mindsets: Empower yourself!
To learn more about the positive impact of identification and management of ear and hearing issues, please visit World Hearing Day.
School Council:
We recognize that election fatigue may be setting in, but there is another voting opportunity this week for families living in Don Valley West. The school board trustee will represent Northern in relation to policy issues in the TDSB.
1. Don Valley West TDSB Trustee By-election. Monday, March 3rd. Please vote. Information about all 10 candidates is available on the Northern Council website. You can also read an article about the by-election in The Local. A link to information on where to vote can be found here
2. External Free Resources for Families
We are happy to share free resources that are likely to be of broad interest to Northern families.
3. How Parents Can Build Effective Relationships with Their Struggling Tweens, Teens and Young Adults - Wednesday, March 12th, 7-8 pm. Join Sahbearor for a presentation by Nancy Cohen, PhD and Tracy Kalloway, MA, LPC, who will share skills and tips to (re)build effective relationships with our struggling loved one. Learn how to increase positives in the relationship using validation, a gentle easy manner and engaging in enjoyable activities together. They will also explain how to decrease negatives in the relationship by intentionally ignoring problem behaviours, and teach practical DBT skills to get in the mood to parent. Advance registration is required.
Northern Secondary School Foundation:
Pleased to report that we have been able to provide modest financial support to the Buddies Leadership Retreat, the Girls' Volleyball Team, Girls Rugby and the Robotics Team.
We have also received a generous donation from a Northern parent/ alum to purchase musical instruments for the Music Program
It is not too late to donate and receive a tax receipt for the 2024 year. The Government officially extended the 2024 tax deadline for charitable donations. This means eligible charitable gifts made before February 28th 2025, can be claimed on 2024 tax returns. Go to You may direct your donation to a specific program, club of team.
For more , contact us at
Guidance Updates:
- March’s Wellness Theme is “Self Talk: Interrupting the Negative Thought Cycle. This week’s quote is from NSS student Madison Judycki: “Take a moment to recognize that not all the voices in your head are your own. Figure out which ones cheer you on and block out the rest.” - Madison Judycki
- 2025-2026 Course Selection is now closed in myBlueprint.
Any students or families who shave questions or concerns, please book an appointment with Guidance ASAP using this link:
- **NEW UPDATES for TDSB Summer School Options:
Registration for BOTH the 2025 e-Summer School Program and ConEd Summer School Program will OPEN on Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM for TDSB students.
Continuing Education (ConEd) and e-Summer are two separate departments.
- e-Summer Information here
- asynchronous online e-learning
- July and August courses available
- Grade 11 and 12 courses
- July e-Learning Key Dates: July e-Learning registration closes June 3, 2025
- August e-Summer Key Dates – Registration closes July 4, 2025.
- ConEd Information here
- ConEd Summer School classes will be held from July 2 to July 25, 2025 - Monday to Friday, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- These classes are available only in July.
- ConEd Remote Learning: All Grade 9 and 10 credit courses will be delivered through synchronous online learning.
- ConEd In-Person Learning: All Grade 9 to 12 credit courses, students will attend face-to-face classes with a teacher.
- Summer School In Person Sites/Locations
Registration for BOTH the 2025 e-Summer School Program and ConEd Summer School Program will OPEN on Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM for TDSB students.
- IMPORTANT Volunteering Information:
PLEASE NOTE: Events and activities supporting a not-for-profit initiative/organization are approved. If you are unsure if your activities supports a not-for-profit program, please see your Guidance counsellor for approval of the volunteering initiative. For more information about the TDSB’s policy on Volunteering, click here. Students: for volunteering information and opportunities, please visit your Guidance Google classroom or You can find the TDSB Community Involvement form here.
- 2024 – 2025 Scholarship Updates:
Seeking Scholarships has released their February Scholarship Report which has upcoming scholarship dates listed for students applying to post-secondary programs. It also has some great tips this month for applying to scholarships and funding post-secondary education.
Please note: This resource is copyrighted and only available to Northern families - please do not share outside of the Northern community.
Northern-specific scholarship information and deadlines (along with other common awards that students apply to can be found here):
A general list of scholarships has been shared with Grade 11 & 12 students, and can be found here. This list includes major scholarship awards that require a nomination from Northern (highlighted in yellow). Now is a great time for Grade 12 students to take a look and plan out which awards they may want to apply for!
- Online Graduation Requirement – Information and Opt-Out Form.
Looking for information about the Ontario Ministry Online Learning graduation requirement? Please click here. Overview Info: Students may withdraw/opt out of this new requirement and graduate with an OSSD if you have decided now to withdraw from the graduation requirement, please complete the TDSB Opt Out/Withdrawal Form and return it to your Guidance Counsellor.
- Mental Wellness Resource Document
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Have a great weekend!
Adam Marshall
Follow me @PrincipalNSS
Travelling for March Break? Measles is just a plane ride away.
Measles continues to spread in many parts of the world and in Canada. If you are planning to travel over March Break, get the best protection for you and your loved ones by staying up-to-date with your routine vaccines, including the measles vaccine.
These vaccines are available from your health care provider or at a Toronto Public Health (TPH) community clinic for school-aged children, by appointment. Visit for more information.
If you are unsure of your child’s vaccination status, check their yellow card (Ontario Immunization Record), TPH’s Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) or by speaking with their primary health care provider.
To learn more, visit Questions? Contact TPH at or 416-338-7600, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for more information. Service is available in multiple languages.
Learn more: vaccines/measles-fact-sheet/