Dear Northern Families,
March Break is upon us! I hope everyone has a chance to reset over the break and spend some time with friends/ family/ or even just unwinding. It has been a busy winter, and I suspect everyone is looking forward to the break. A reminder that Daylight Savings begins early Sunday Morning. Wishing everyone a safe and healthy break!
Wednesday you should have received mark updates from all your teachers. With this early indicator in mind, we will be holding Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews at the school on Thursday, March 20th from 2:00 - 4:00 pm and 6:00 - 8:00 pm. This semester, you will be able to schedule your Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews online. If you wish to schedule a meeting with any of your child's teachers, please follow the instructions printed further down the page.
You will be able to make appointments from March 17th at 7:00 am to March 19th at 11:00 pm.
1. Prepare a list with the names of each teacher you would like to meet
2. Go to the NSS scheduling website at
3. Enter your child's 9-digit student number or Ontario Education Number and click "Sign In"
4. Fill in your contact information and click "Continue to Make Appointments"
5. Click on the name of a teacher with whom you wish to schedule an appointment
6. Click on an "Available" time at which you wish to meet with that teacher
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until you have scheduled all the teachers you wish to see
8. Click on "My Schedule" (top left of the page)
9. Print out, email or copy down your schedule
Should you wish to cancel an appointment you have made, click on "Cancel" beside the meeting you wish to have removed from your schedule.
If you misplace your schedule, you may use your Confirmation # to retrieve your schedule from the website at any time.
If you experience any difficulty using the service, please email
We look forward to speaking with you.
The student calendar can be found here: 2024-2025 School Calendar. Any additions made will be highlighted for a two week period throughout the year.
The student handbook can be found here: Student Handbook
Things to Know for Next Week:
Monday- Friday: March Break!
Things to Know for the Week After the Break:
Tuesday: Canada Math League #6
Wednesday: Late Start @9:55am
Thursday: Early Close @ 12:15pm- Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews (details below)
Friday: Late Start @9:55am
2025 Skills Competition
Shout-out to all the Northern students who participated in the 35th Annual TDSB Secondary Tech Skills Competition and congratulations to the following students who won a medal in their category and will move on to the provincial Skills Competition:
Maia R won GOLD in Photography.
Rylan S won GOLD in Fashion Design.
Isaac M won GOLD in Mechanical CAD (Computer Aided Design).
Avery T won SILVER in Mechanical CAD (Computer Aided Design).
Kaylynn M and Alex D won BRONZE in TV / Video Production.
Jordan R has qualified for the provincial Skills Competition in Mechanical CAD.
BAA (Boys Athletic Association) Upcoming activities:
Pickleball tournament- During the week of March 17th -right after March break, at every lunch in the 1st floor foyer - come down to sign up for the BAA Pickeleball tournament which will take place beginning the week of March 24th. You can also use this google form to sign up
- you are currently enrolled in a Grade 10 English class, or if you have not successfully completed your OSSLT, you will be writing the OSSLT during the week of March 24th. Parents and students can sign up for the Northern SS OSSLT 2025 PREP Google Classroom: b5umys4 to receive updates and find helpful resources. OSSLT extra help lunchtime sessions will take place in Room 304 during the week of March 17th. See the Google Classroom or speak to your English teacher for more details.
Final Exams
It is never too early to start thinking about final exams!
Final exams run from June 18-23, 2025. The moratorium period begins on Thursday June 12. There will be no excursions or athletic events during this period.
You can find information about the culminating activities and final exams for each course here (organized by grade) here: NSS Culminating and Final Exam Information Sem 2 2025.
You can find a detailed exam schedule here: NSS Exam Schedule - Semester 2 2024-25
The schedule follows this format:
Students will follow their Day 1 schedule as follows for exams:
Wednesday, June 18 - Period 1 Exam
Thursday, June 19 - Period 2 Exam
Friday, June 20 - Period 3 Exam
Monday, June 23 - Period 4 Exam
ALL exams will begin at 10:00 am. Exam duration will vary by subject/year. Looking ahead, students should make sure they eat a good breakfast as they will eat a “late” lunch on these days once exams are over (late relative to our usual 11:40 am lunchtime).
Please take some time to look through our Exam ReadiNSS site for information and resources. More information will be added as exams approach – including some in person exam preparation sessions provided by our student services and special education departments.
Culminating activities and examinations carry the same importance and the same attendance requirement. Thus, attendance during culminating activities is mandatory. Some courses have culminating activities that take place over several days. Thus, attendance during culminating activities/summative evaluations is mandatory. A culminating activity is the final evaluation in each course which is worth 30% of the final mark. “This evaluation will be based on evidence from one or a combination of the following: an examination, a performance, an essay and/or another method of evaluation suitable to the course content” (p.41-Growing Success). Students who miss culminating activities or summative evaluations will be given a mark of zero for the portion missed with no opportunity to make up the missed work unless there is an extenuating and documented circumstance, such as a medical situation, court date, funeral etc. It is absolutely crucial that students do not miss any time during the end of a semester. Under Ministry of Education and TDSB regulations, there can be no accommodations made for students who miss the 30% culminating activities and summative evaluations at the end of a semester for personal reasons such as vacation or work. Students and parents should be aware that scheduled vacations at this time can significantly impact student achievement. With the exception of a medical emergency, all summative tests and assignments that are missed as a result of these absences will be assigned a mark of zero.
Toronto Public Health is currently assessing immunization records for students born in 2008 and attending a school in the Toronto District School Board. If Toronto Public Health does not have record of your student’s immunizations, you should have received a letter in the mail with a yellow notice.
Please update your immunization information before the end of March Break to avoid suspension.
If you have updated immunization information, please share it with Toronto Public Health one of two ways:
If your student needs to be vaccinated, please get vaccinated as soon as possible. Go to to book an appointment
Parents/caregivers who are unsure about their child’s vaccination history, have records in other languages, cannot find their child’s records, or are unsure about what they need to do next, encourage them to call Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 for assistance.
Parents who choose not to vaccinate their child, should apply for an exemption and attend a required education session. Details can be found online at
- Toronto Public Library Programs
There are lots of March Break programs at Toronto Public Library. There are many programs for teens and youth to keep you occupied during the week. Try something new, keep your brain sharp, or just have fun with your peers. The possibilities are endless!
Upcoming EQAO Webinars for TDSB Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians
Please see below for upcoming EQAO webinars for TDSB Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers.
EQAO Webinar for Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers: What to Expect on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
TDSB Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers are invited to register for a live webinar to learn about the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. Participants will learn about the purpose of Ontario’s large-scale assessments. EQAO staff will explain the assessment format, highlight resources to support students, and answer questions from participants. The session is approximately 45 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with EQAO staff.
Date: March 6, 2025
Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: Virtual (online) - ZOOM details will be shared with registrants one day before the webinar.
To register, please complete and submit this form.
Registration closes on March 4th, at 8:00 PM.
Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement
Please see the following upcoming opportunities for students, staff and community offered by the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement.
Joy as Resistance with Trey Anthony
The Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement in collaboration with TDSB Mental Health and Wellbeing Professional Support Services, and Teachers Learning and Leading, will be hosting a session during Black Mental Health Week 2025 with award-winning playwright of 'Da Kink in My Hair', actor and wellness expert Trey Anthony.
Honouring the theme for this year, “Joy as Resistance”, we invite parents, caregivers, students (Gr. 7-12) and community members to join Trey virtually as she talks about the importance of cultivating joy and resilience in combatting the systemic and personal impacts of anti-Black racism. Drawing from her personal journey and work, Trey will discuss how Black communities can reclaim power and triumph through joy in the face of adversity. She will delve into what mental health is and why it is important, and look at tools that individuals and communities can utilize to cultivate joy and resistance as we rise, heal, maintain, and thrive together.
Date: March 6, 2025
Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom (virtual)
Registration link:
View flyer
For more information contact,, Centrally Assigned Principal, or, Program Coordinator, Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement.
Talent Show:
Hey Red Knights! Looking for a way to showcase your talents in a fun way? Northern is hosting its first ever talent show this April! Sign up for auditions now with this link: Make sure to follow our instagram @northerntalentshow for more updates!
U of T National Biology Competition
Are you interested in testing your biology knowledge? The U of T National Biology Competition is open to all high school students, but is recommended for Grade 11 and 12 biology students looking for a challenge.
This year the competition will be taking place during period 2 on Wednesday, April 16.
If you are interested, please join the NBC Google classroom using the code mkxdkc6.
In order to register, you will need to fill out the registration form through the Google classroom and bring $7 cash to your biology teacher (Ms. Barkley, Mr. Isaac, Ms. Lauzon, Mr. Ross, or Mr. Zamec) or to Mr. Swadron's office in room 329 by Thursday, April 10.
The contest will be 75 minutes and consists of 50 multiple-choice questions.
For more information visit or email
Student Success:
Student Nutrition Program
The Student Nutrition Program is looking for Parent Volunteers for the 2025/2026 school year. The commitment would be 10:30-12:30 one or more days a week. If you are interested, please email
School Council:
School Council wishes you all a safe and restful March Break. This is the time to re-energize ahead of the final stretch to the rest of the school year.
1. Walking Buddies - Sunday, March 16th at 9:30 am. Join other Northern parents for some fresh air, exercise, and conversation about school, kids, and life! If you are interested in joining us, please send a message with “Walking buddies” in the subject line.
2. Help Wanted: The Student Nutrition Program is looking for Parent Volunteers for the 2025/2026 school year. The commitment would be 10:30-12:30 one or more days a week. If you are interested, please email
External Free Resources for Families
We are happy to share free resources that are likely to be of broad interest to Northern families.
How Parents Can Build Effective Relationships with Their Struggling Tweens, Teens and Young Adults - Wednesday, March 12th, 7-8 pm. Join Sahbearor for a presentation by Nancy Cohen, PhD and Tracy Kalloway, MA, LPC, who will share skills and tips to (re)build effective relationships with our struggling loved one. Learn how to increase positives in the relationship using validation, a gentle easy manner and engaging in enjoyable activities together. They will also explain how to decrease negatives in the relationship by intentionally ignoring problem behaviours, and teach practical DBT skills to get in the mood to parent. Advance registration is required.
Northern Secondary School Foundation:
Northern Secondary School Foundation Accepting Applications for Scholarships and Awards March 11-May 3, 2024
Attention Parents/Guardians of Graduating Students
The Foundation is pleased to offer over 40 Scholarships and Awards to graduating students. We are grateful to former teachers, parents and alumni who fund these awards. Awards range from $200 to $5000.
Applications will be accepted starting on March 7th 2025
Go to for a complete list of the awards and application forms.
- scholarships and awards recognize academic achievement in math, science, social science, business, family studies, music, art and design.. Others recognize leadership in community service, environmental and humanitarian initiatives, participation in athletic and extracurricular activities, and perseverance in face of adversity.
Award winners are selected by the Scholarship Committee of Northern Secondary School. If you have any questions about the awards or the application process, contact us at and we will get back to you
Guidance Updates:
- Wishing everyone a restful and fun March Break!
Please note: the Guidance office is closed for the break. We will not be monitoring our emails.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Mental Wellness Resource Document
- March’s Wellness Theme is “Self Talk: Interrupting the Negative Thought Cycle. This week’s quote is from NSS student Libby Glozman-Bakous: “The moon's absence allows the sun’s appreciation” - Libby Glozman-Bakous
- **NEW CHANGES for TDSB Summer School Options:
Reminders & What is New:
- Registration for 2025 e-Summer School Program will OPEN on Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM for TDSB students.
- Registration for 2025 ConEd Summer programs will OPEN April 22, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
- Continuing Education (ConEd) and e-Summer are two separate departments.
e-Summer Information here
- Registration for 2025 e-Summer School Program will OPEN on Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM for TDSB students.
- asynchronous online e-learning
- July and August courses available
- Grade 11 and 12 courses
- July e-Learning Key Dates: July e-Learning registration closes June 3, 2025
- August e-Summer Key Dates – Registration closes July 4, 2025.
ConEd Information here
- Registration for 2025 ConEd Summer programs will OPEN April 22, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and
- Full Credit Course Registration will CLOSE June 17, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
- TDSB Credit Recovery will CLOSE June 27, 2025.
- ConEd Summer School classes will be held from July 2 to July 25, 2025 - Monday to Friday, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- These classes are available only in July.
- ConEd Remote Learning: All Grade 9 and 10 credit courses will be delivered through synchronous online learning.
- ConEd In-Person Learning: All Grade 9 to 12 credit courses, students will attend face-to-face classes with a teacher.
- Summer School In Person Sites/Locations
- IMPORTANT Volunteering Information:
NSS Volunteer & Community Involvement Policy:
Guidance has been working with Admin to finalise the NSS Volunteer & Community Involvement Policy.
PLEASE NOTE: Events and activities supporting a not-for-profit initiative/organization are approved. If you are unsure if your activities supports a not-for-profit program, please see your Guidance counsellor for approval of the volunteering initiative. For more information about the TDSB’s policy on Volunteering, click here. Students: for volunteering information and opportunities, please visit your Guidance Google classroom or You can find the TDSB Community Involvement form here.
- 2024 – 2025 Scholarship Updates:
Seeking Scholarships has released their February Scholarship Report which has upcoming scholarship dates listed for students applying to post-secondary programs. It also has some great tips this month for applying to scholarships and funding post-secondary education.
Please note: This resource is copyrighted and only available to Northern families - please do not share outside of the Northern community.
Northern-specific scholarship information and deadlines (along with other common awards that students apply to can be found here):
A general list of scholarships has been shared with Grade 11 & 12 students, and can be found here. This list includes major scholarship awards that require a nomination from Northern (highlighted in yellow). Now is a great time for Grade 12 students to take a look and plan out which awards they may want to apply for!
- Online Graduation Requirement – Information and Opt-Out Form.
Looking for information about the Ontario Ministry Online Learning graduation requirement? Please click here. Overview Info: Students may withdraw/opt out of this new requirement and graduate with an OSSD if you have decided now to withdraw from the graduation requirement, please complete the TDSB Opt Out/Withdrawal Form and return it to your Guidance Counsellor.
- Mental Wellness Resource Document
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Have a wonderful March Break!
Adam Marshall
Follow me @PrincipalNSS