Northern Secondary School

February 12, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021 10:12 AM

Good Evening Northern Families,

It has been too long (again) since we have seen each other! We are all excited to return to face-to-face learning again on Tuesday. A reminder that Monday is Family Day and Tuesday is a day 1. Morning classes return to running 8:45am-12:30pm and afternoon classes run from 1:35pm-2:35pm. You have likely heard the news about the shift of March Break from March 15-19 to April 12-16. There are details below, but PLEASE BRING TEXTBOOKS AND ART KITS TO RETURN ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY!

There is a ton of important information in this bulletin. It is lengthy, but full of essential information. COVID updates and screening information, School Operations, textbook return, course selection, student and parent/ guardian opportunities are all found below. It is essential you review the COVID section together as a family. Getting refreshed on entrance procedures and schedules in the School Operations is also very important.

A link to the school calendar and a visual for face-to-face learning schedules is here: Calendar and Schedule structure



COVID Updates:

Essential Reading: There have been changes that are designed to minimize the risk of COVID transmission in our daily screening process. The Updated Screening tool and the Back to School Confirmation Form are very helpful in determining if a student is required to stay home from school or if they have met the requirements for return. Your Vice Principal can also assist with this decision. There are several significant changes to the daily screening tool which are reflected in the Now Mobile app that most students use before arriving at school for face to face classes.

Summary of Screening Updates:

Question 1: If your child has any of the listed symptoms (see screening tool link above)

  • If your child has any of the listed symptoms, they must stay home from school, self-isolate and get tested. They can return to school once they have a negative test result and after it has been 24 hours since their symptoms started improving.
  • Now, any siblings must also stay home from school until the symptomatic sibling receives a negative test result.
  • If your child does NOT get tested, your child (and any siblings) must stay home and self-isolate for 10 days. The symptomatic child can return to school after 10 days if their symptoms have/are improved.
  • If your child has symptoms and also had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, your child must self-isolate for 14 days from the last exposure to the person who was positive. All siblings must also self-isolate for the same period of time, regardless of a negative test result.
  • At the onset of symptoms please notify the school at ( and your child's Vice Principal:
  • Eric Halling - Vice Principal (alpha A-G) -->
  • Jessica Pearson - Vice Principal (alpha H-O) -->
  • Rani Vohra - Vice Principal (alpha P-Z) -->

Both the symptomatic student and the siblings must return to school with a completed Back to School Confirmation Form

Question 2: If anyone in your household has one or more of the symptoms

  • The exact same steps and processes are required. Students cannot return to school until the symptomatic individual receives a negative COVID-19 test (or 10 days have passed with no test).

Question 3: If anyone in your household has travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days

  • If anyone in your household has been out of Canada, all students must remain home from school for 14 days after their return. The students do not need to self-isolate, but they are not permitted to attend school. (Please see the purple note at the bottom of page 2 of the Screening Tool)
  • If anyone has travelled outside of the Province, self-isolation is also recommended (but not required)

Question 4: Has anyone in your household been notified that they were a close contact of someone with COVID-19

  • Students may no longer attend school if a household member is self-isolating due to a close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.

* A summary of decision making protocols from Toronto Public Health (TPH) can be found here: COVID Decision Tool

How to prepare for return to in-person learning at Northern SS.

Daily screening: Starting today, everyone in your household should complete the Updated Screening tool for students and adults every day. Students are encouraged to start using the Now Mobile app now.

Get tested: If anyone in your household has one or more new or worsening symptoms of COVID-19, they should get tested as soon as possible. Everyone in the house will need to stay home if someone in the home is sick with a COVID-19 symptom.

Now Mobile App

A reminder that students must self-screen each day BEFORE leaving for school. It is recommended that students complete the questions on the Now Mobile app while they are at home (and are connected to wifi) and is it also recommended that students take a screen shot of the QR code for quick entry at school. Now Mobile app

Students using the paper Student Daily Health Pass should have the form complete (dated and signed) before they arrive at school.


Students and staff are required to wear masks while at school. This includes waiting for entry in the morning, while in the halls, while in the classrooms and while in the washroom. Teachers will continue to use their discretion on whether an outdoor break is necessary. If a student is going to have a snack/ drink fluids on this outdoor break they MUST MAINTAIN 2 metre distancing at all times. Any students within 2m of each other must keep their masks on even while on these outdoor breaks.

Masks that are recommended:

  • Disposable Medical masks
  • Cloth masks with 2 layers (if a filter can be added this is also highly recommended)

NEW Masks that are not recommended or permitted:

  • Neck gaiters / scarves
  • Masks with physical vents

The tighter fitting a mask is (at nose, cheeks and chin), the more effective it is. For more details, see the TPH Website under “Face Masks and Coverings”

Still want to read more about COVID management at schools? Click here for the TPH webpage that helps guide our practice: TPH COVID Guidance for Schools

Northern School Operations for Quadmester 3:

  1. already have their timetables for the quadmester. A reminder that we are now returning to the former (pre-closure) cohort version of the timetable where students will attend school on one of two days scheduled for the class (with their cohort). On the other day students will engage in asynchronous learning. This is a four day schedule with the two classes divided into cohorts. Reading a Sample Timetable in the TDSB Connects App (Quad 2) Please direct questions to your guidance counsellor if you have any.

Students please make sure you review your timetables and check on the time and location of your classes. You will potentially enter through different doors this quadmester. Please arrive prepared to enter the correct door on Monday or Tuesday (schedule dependent). Your teachers will be emailing you prior to Tuesday to ensure you can access your afternoon synchronous lessons.

Refresh you memory: School doors will open at 8:30 for students. If your class is on the first floor line up at the main door (exit 1) and line to the north along the gardens. If you are on the second floor go to exit 12 (southwest corner) and line up towards the back field. If you are on the third floor go to exit 3 (northwest corner) and line up towards the back field. Please mind social distancing and wear a mask if this is difficult. Entrance Map

Arrive with your QR code from check in/ self-assessment complete and show it at the door for efficiency. Have your mask on at the door, use the sanitizer provided, and head inside.


Textbook Drop Off:

If you have textbooks to drop off from last quadmester we will collect them at the entry points to the school. Please write your name neatly inside the front cover as a safeguard for recording purposes. It is vital that we have materials returned immediately so we can have them sit for the requisite time and then be redistributed.

Quad 2 Art students - return of Art materials

The following items from Quad 2 Art classes need to be returned. Please place items in plastic bag (clear if possible) and label them with the student name and class, and bring them to Exit 1.


Grade 9 NAC - Ms Huang

Red/orange carving tool set (with all nibs)

Red handled roller

Watercolour palette

Plexiglas plate

Roll of tape


Grade 11/12 Drawing and Painting

Any watercolour palette sets (including tank brush) that were signed out


Please email with any questions


Virtual Learners and School Materials:

Students who have opted for Virtual Learning Quadmester 3 and require a textbook or other course materials will be contacted by their teachers. These materials will be available for pick up in the front lobby between 12:45am and 3:30pm up until March 5th . Wait to hear from your teacher that they are available for pick-up before coming to the school.


Models for Learning:

The vast majority of classes will continue to operate with the same schedule as Quadmester 1.

Calendar and Schedule structure

If you are taking a science this quadmester please see HERE for details about your schedule.


Course Selection:

  1. Course Selection is under way and CLOSES February 18, 2021 @ 9am.



  1. Course Verification Process: February 19, 2021. Closes Feb 23, 2021 @ 4pm


  • The Course Verification Process CONFIRMS your course selection. Any changes will ONLY be accepted through the Course Verification google form emailed Friday, Feb 19, 2021.
  • The Friday, Feb 19th email with access to the Course Verification google form will include instructions on the Course Verification process. This will be a last chance to CONFIRM course selection for the 2021-2022 school year.
  • The Course Verification Process CLOSES February 23, 2021 @ 4pm.



NSS 2021-2022 Course Selection Information and Links:


  1. Course Selection is now open!


    1. myBlueprint is OPEN:
    2. myBlueprint CLOSES February 18, 2021 @ 9am
    3. Course Verification Process: February 19, 2021. Closes Feb 23, 2021 @ 4pm.

Course verification will be paperless, through a google form that will be emailed to all students and families February 19, 2021. Instructions will be included in the February 19th email.


  1. Course Fair Google Site – Where students and families can find lots and lots of information about NSS courses and access department info and contacts.


  1. TDSB Course Search – Descriptions, pre-requisite list, etc.



  1. Northern Specific Course Selection Work Sheets:

These course selection worksheets are helpful as well if you want to see all the courses we offer at once: Grade 10 Course Selection Worksheet, Grade 11 Course Selection Worksheet, Grade 12 Course Selection Worksheet



  1. Course Selection & myBlueprint HELP - LIVE Student Drop-In Zoom Sessions: 12:30 – 1:30 pm – Feb 4, Feb 9, Feb 10, Feb 16


Topic: Course Selection Drop-In

Time: Feb 4, Feb 9, Feb 10, Feb 16, 2021 @ 12:30 – 1:30 pm


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 993 6794 7870


  1. NSS Course Selection Presentation RECORDING:

Missed our Course Selection presentation? Access the recording here:

Slides ONLY: Jan 27th Evening Presentation Grs 9 - 12


  1. NSS Grade-specific Course Selection Slides ONLY Presentations:

These are slides from our grade-specific and evening course selection presentations.

Grade 9 to 10, Grade 10 to 11, Grade 11 to 12, Grade 12 & Beyond



  1. Guidance Google Classrooms – where everything Course Selection is posted.

Grade 9 GC: c7wbn3w, Gr 10 GC: xt4sp7k , Gr 11 C: jhazx2s, Gr12 GC: gthmiui


  1. We want to talk with you! Book an individual Guidance Appointment: & Book an Appointment – Help & How To



Student Opportunities:


Virtual Club Fair: Tuesday, February 16 at 4:00pm


This is a joint event hosted by the SAC and the Head Buddies. We have 30 associations and clubs participating in the event. Students will hear about what the different clubs and associations do, where and when they meet, how to join, as well as leadership opportunities and application processes (many hold this in the Spring for the following school year). There will also be information on how to start a new club.

Here the link for attendees:





On Wednesday Feb. 17 at 4pm, we'll have the opportunity to hear acclaimed concert pianist, and former NSS student, CoCo Ma speak about her career and answer some questions.

To be sent the Zoom meeting code, please go here:


After you submit this form, a Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the meeting. If you have a question you'd like the organizers to pose to Ms. Ma, you can add this in the form as well.

Find out more about Coco Ma here:


Pay It Forward :


Former Northern grads are participating in our Pay It Forward virtual panel to share their experiences at post-secondary school with NSS students on Wednesday, Feb. 17, from 1:00 pm -2:00 pm. Interested students can see our poster here for more information.

To RSVP contact Mrs. Smither



Update from Student Success:


Peer tutoring is available for all Northern students. Please fill in the peer tutoring form if your child would like to access these supports.


Peer Tutee Registration Form


Peer tutoring will take place during asynchronous days for the subject being tutored.


We have a long list of tutors, who have almost all been through the L2L Tutor Training program this year. I truly mean it when I say we have a lovely group of caring and compassionate students who are offering their time to support those who may need a little extra help or who would benefit from a peer mentor.


If you have any questions about the program, please email (Student Success)


School Council:

1) Your last chance is today! - our annual School Council fundraiser ends February 12. We need your help to reach our goal to raise $10,000, so please consider a contribution to help us support student activities through School Cash Online. See the attached letter for more details.

2) Supporting the Mental Health and Well-Being of Our Teens During the Pandemic - Thursday, Feb 18 6:30-7:30 pm - every family has experienced the pandemic in various ways. With many changes, uncertainty, and isolation, among many other feelings and experiences of this time, the well-being of our teens is of great concern. TDSB Psycho-educational Consultant, Dayna Morris, and Social Worker, Aimee Gomez, will talk about factors and stressors affecting teens, signs that your teen may be struggling with their mental health, ways to support their mental health and well-being, and what to do if you are feeling concerned. Q and A will follow the presentation.

For a link, email with “Well-Being” in the subject line. Links will be sent on the afternoon of the Feb 18. Slides and resources will be posted on our website following the presentation.

3) A Word from Wellness - Stressed About School? Read here to learn some tips about how parents can tame their anxiety about school in this time. Also, visit the Wellness page to see recently posted resources and information on how to support your child's mental health during COVID-19 and where to get help.


4) Looking for Things to Do? - have a look at our updated Parent Survival Chalkboard for creative, academic, and humorous links and activities for you and your student!


5) "News for parents, by parents" - sign up for our email list for updates and news written for parents by the parents at School Council. Send an email to with "Count me in" in the subject line. And check out our website for notes from meetings and presentations, resources, and upcoming events!



Mental Health Counselling Support at Northern Secondary; FLYER

  1. Community Services provides a registered psychotherapist , Dale Callender, on-site, full time at Northern, to work in partnership with the existing school support services. The service uses an early intervention model and supports students by allowing them easy and immediate access to mental health and counselling services provided through the In-School service. Dale Callender works in collaboration with TDSB staff in order to customize a program to enhance the mental health services and supports that are available to students on-site at the school. This program allows Northern priority access to Lumenus’ mental health service program, and offers students a seamless referral process to other community programs as dictated by their individual needs. Dale Callender is available currently via virtual sessions and/or phone calls to provide psychotherapy counselling support to students, parents/caregivers. If you would like to consult and /or set up a time to talk with Dale, you can contact him via his email at


From the Gifted Advisory Council:


GAC presents: “ADHD Highlights: What You Need to Know About ADHD” - Tuesday March 2 at 7:00 p.m.

GAC is excited to invite all parents, students, and educators to hear a presentation by Heidi Bernhardt, founder of CADDAC, the Center for ADHD Awareness, Canada.

Her presentation will start by debunking the myths of ADHD and explaining what ADHD actually is. She’ll look at how ADHD impacts an adolescent’s functioning in the home and school environment and the increased risks to kids with ADHD as they move into adolescence.

She’ll also look at what a comprehensive assessment of ADHD looks like and how ADHD is diagnosed and treated. She’ll discuss ways to support adolescents with ADHD at home, and ways to advocate for resources in Ontario schools. Additional links to resources will be provided during the presentation and access given to the Power Point following the presentation. We encourage you to try to attend the live virtual presentation in person, to hear the additional detail and Q & A of Heidi’s very considerable knowledge and experience. Please send an email to to obtain the meeting link. We hope that you can join us!





Maya Zibaie Academic Award: I will be including this for several more weeks. For more information, please click this link: Thank You.


2021 Yearbook Undergraduate Portraits:

Yearbook wants your photo!

Please submit the 2021 Yearbook Undergraduate Portrait form.

If a picture is not submitted we will use last year's photo or a standard fill in icon.

If you have any questions please reach out to staff advisor, Leslie Usin Rojas (


Yearbook Info:

There is an option to purchase a yearbook for $35.00 this year.

If you are a face-to-face learner and have an account with school cash online you should have received a direct link to purchase a yearbook.

If you are attending the Virtual School you will need to access school cash online here:



NSS 2021-2022 Course Selection Information and Links:


  1. Course Selection is now open!


    1. myBlueprint is OPEN:
    2. myBlueprint CLOSES February 18, 2021 @ 9am
    3. Course Verification Process: February 19, 2021. Closes Feb 23, 2021 @ 4pm.

Course verification will be paperless, through a google form that will be emailed to all students and families February 19, 2021. Instructions will be included in the February 19th email.


  1. Course Fair Google Site – Where students and families can find lots and lots of information about NSS courses and access department info and contacts.


  1. TDSB Course Search – Descriptions, pre-requisite list, etc.



  1. Northern Specific Course Selection Work Sheets:

These course selection worksheets are helpful as well if you want to see all the courses we offer at once: Grade 10 Course Selection Worksheet, Grade 11 Course Selection Worksheet, Grade 12 Course Selection Worksheet



  1. Course Selection & myBlueprint HELP - LIVE Student Drop-In Zoom Sessions: 12:30 – 1:30 pm – Feb 4, Feb 9, Feb 10, Feb 16


Topic: Course Selection Drop-In

Time: Feb 4, Feb 9, Feb 10, Feb 16, 2021 @ 12:30 – 1:30 pm


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 993 6794 7870


  1. NSS Course Selection Presentation RECORDING:

Missed our Course Selection presentation? Access the recording here:

Slides ONLY: Jan 27th Evening Presentation Grs 9 - 12


  1. NSS Grade-specific Course Selection Slides ONLY Presentations:

These are slides from our grade-specific and evening course selection presentations.

Grade 9 to 10, Grade 10 to 11, Grade 11 to 12, Grade 12 & Beyond



  1. Guidance Google Classrooms – where everything Course Selection is posted.

Grade 9 GC: c7wbn3w, Gr 10 GC: xt4sp7k , Gr 11 C: jhazx2s, Gr12 GC: gthmiui


  1. We want to talk with you! Book an individual Guidance Appointment: & Book an Appointment – Help & How To



Have a great Family Day long-weekend!


Follow Me @PrincipalNSS