Northern Secondary School

November 5th, 2021

Thursday, November 11, 2021 08:16 PM

Greetings Northern Families,

I just had a chance to watch the senior football team defeat Western Tech this afternoon/ evening. Our Junior team played their first game since 2019 today. Our girls ultimate frisbee team has wrapped up their season with 4 dominating wins and one loss. Soccer has been practicing hard and playing games. Cross-country had their meet yesterday. Great to be back! Way to go Red Knights and an absolutely MASSIVE thank you to our coaches who have made it all happen under extraordinarily challenging conditions.

Wednesday morning 6 Northern students (Abigail Sullivan, Finesse Lunsky, Ryan Stainsby, Kathleen Donnelly, Nikolas Martino, and Sonja Lang) met with Education Minister Stephen Lecce at the board office to discuss the importance of Holocaust education. They made us proud with thoughtful and important messages informed by personal experiences and lessons learned in classes at school- particularly in the Genocide class taught by Ms. Leishman. Then a quick pivot and the same students interviewed Holocaust survivor Max Eisen (see ). The interview was broadcast to the approximately 35 schools.

Next week contains our second Credit Rescue day on Wednesday the 10th. We will hold a brief virtual Remembrance Day assembly on Thursday the 11th. For you planning purposes, a reminder that Friday the 19th is a PD Day.

Trustee Rachel Chernos Lin's most recent newsletter can be found here:


SAC Store:

Interested in Northern apparel? Masks, pajamas, sweatpants, and more! SAC Store is open now! Order online with this link or the link on the sac Instagram linktree. Order before Monday, November 8th!


2020-2021 Yearbook Distribution and Sale!

The yearbooks have a arrived!

For those students who purchased a yearbook, distribution will take place on Monday and Tuesday during your morning classes.

If you are a virtual student or you have a spare please stay tuned for pick-up details.

Don't want to miss out? The yearbook looks GREAT- if you are still interested in purchasing a copy you are in luck as we did order some extra copies. Please click here to purchase LAST YEAR's yearbook.


Grade 9 and 10 After School Numeracy Program

Northern’s Math Department is pleased to announce the return of our after-school Numeracy Program to support grade 9 and 10 math learners! Students will work with members of the NSS Math department to build and strengthen mathematical reasoning and comprehension as well as practice and apply key mathematical processes and concepts required throughout the Grade 9 and 10 math curricula.

The Numeracy Program will start the week of November 15 and follow the schedule below:


Grade 10 Numeracy

Grade 9 Numeracy



3:00 – 4:00 p.m.


3:00 – 4:00 p.m.


Room 113


Room 113



Ms. Kendall

Mr. Mehrjoo


All grade 9 and 10 students are welcome and do not have to currently be taking math to register. Interested in joining? The registration form can be found on the Numeracy Program Google Classroom using the class code 2fwtbdv

For any questions or inquiries, please contact Ms. Kendall at or Mr. Mehrjoo at


Canadian National Math League Contest #2:

Congratulations to our top CNML#1 contest writers: Lawrence Ding, Zoe Iczkovitz, Dillon Robert, and Fiona Xu for their impressive performance on last month’s contest!

Registration for the November 9th CNML #2 Contest is now open to all students, with no registration fee!

Interested in testing out your mathematical problem-solving ability? Sign up by Monday, November 8 on our Math Contests Google Classroom, using the class code: cyoa3rl

Please direct any contest questions to


GAC presents: Study Skills and other Tips for Student Success - Mon. Nov. 22, 7:00 p.m.

All students and parents are invited to a virtual presentation on “Study Skills and other Tips for Student Success”. Topics include Study Skills, Organization, and a variety of helpful Tips and Resources. This virtual presentation is designed to have content and provide support for all types of students in all types of programs. Whether you want to slightly tweak or really overhaul your skills and habits, even small changes can improve results and reduce stress.

If you’d like to receive the meeting link, please send an email to, and we’ll send it to you on the afternoon of November 22. Everyone is very welcome and we hope that you’ll join us!


Graduating this Year? Photos:

Graduation photos will take place starting November 15th. Please book an appointment online following the link below and steps:

Click “Classic Sitting” OR “Yearbook only”

Choose date and time of your liking, click “confirm and pay now”

Enter student, contact and billing information and “click confirm and pay”

**Please note, due to Covid- no props that are held will be provided. We highly suggest students bring their own to make the session more personalized. Props could include- fake flowers, a rolled-up paper and ribbon as a scroll, an old school photo, a hard cover book, a small item that shows of your personality or interests.

**Please come prepared in a white collared shirt or blouse and tie.

**A black graduation gown, sash and graduation cap will be available for each student to use. We are following all health and safety guidelines set out by the TDSB and TPH.

**Your confirmation email will confirm which room your session will take place

We look forward to seeing you there!


Specialized Schools and Programs Policy: (TDSB-Wide Information)


Pay it Forward Food Drive:

The Pay it Forward Association will be holding a food drive for the Daily Bread Food Bank from November 1st-12th. We will be accepting non-perishable food items, which can be dropped off in boxes at the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floor entrances. Thank you for your support!!

Thank you so much,

The Pay it Forward Association


Credit Rescue Day Schedule:



Nov 10th (Week 2)


Course 3 Block C

Credit Rescue




Course 4 Block D

Credit Rescue


Credit Rescue is intended for any student with a mark of 50% or lower in a course. Credit Rescue offers students additional opportunities to complete work that has not been completed during the regular classroom time provided. If your child has a mark below 50% in one or more of their courses, you will be receiving a credit rescue invitation from that classroom teacher. You may receive up to four separate invitations from all four teachers.

Additional Support on Credit Rescue Days for grade 9 and 10 Students:

Students failing a class in grade 9 or 10 can receive additional support through the Student Success Program by booking time with Ms. Vibert. This would occur during blocks where they are not scheduled for credit rescue with the classroom teacher. Please email if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity. Limited spaces are available.


Guidance Updates:

  1. UPDATE: Last Day to Request a Drop (gr 11 & 12 only) & Marks Maintain Date (MMD)

The last day to request a drop with your Guidance Counsellor is December 6, 2021.

The Marks Maintain Date (MMD)/Full Disclosure date is December 15, 2021. Please see your Guidance Counsellor for drop criteria.

  1. Post Secondary Info Night - Save the Date!

Next Tuesday, November 9 from 6:30 to 7:30pm Northern Guidance department will be hosting a Post Secondary Information night for students and families. This is an opportunity to learn more about graduation requirements and the application process and post secondary pathways.

Please join by using this link:

Students can also check the grade 11 or 12 Google classroom on Tuesday morning for the link!

  1. Post Secondary Live Virtual Presentations: Week of Nov.8-12
  • Monday Nov 8, at 3:30 – Niagara College
  • Tuesday, Nov 9, 3:30 – University of Alberta
  • Wednesday, Nov 10 at 3:30 – York University, Glendon Campus
  • Thursday, Nov 11 at 3:30 – Western University - King's University College

Links will be posted on the gr 12 Guidance Google Classroom.

  1. The Scholarship Report

The November-January Edition can be found here.

Find tips on writing scholarship essays and learn about scholarship opportunities.

  1. Upcoming Scholarships

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership – November 15th

Queen’s Chancellor’s Scholarship – November 20th

  1. University of Toronto is once again seeking applications to their amazing Summer Mentorship Program in Health Sciences.
    The Summer Mentorship Program(SMP)gives high school students of Indigenous or African ancestry a chance to explore health sciences at the University of Toronto over four-weeks in July.
    This is a highly sought program and space is limited so please note the first application deadline is in January! Please note: you MUST have completed grade 10 Academic Science to be considered for this program.


Lumenus Community Services:

Provides a registered psychotherapist , Dale Callender, on-site, full time at Northern, to work in partnership with the existing school support services. The service uses an early intervention model and supports students by allowing them easy and immediate access to mental health and counselling services provided through the In-School service. Dale Callender works in collaboration with TDSB staff in order to customize supports to enhance the mental health services that they may need and wish to access. This program allows Northern priority access to Lumenus’ mental health service program, and offers students a seamless referral process to other community programs as dictated by their individual needs. If anyone would like to consult and /or set up a time to talk with Dale, you can contact him via his email at Please see attached information on the service provided at Northern.


Thank You, and have a great weekend,


Follow me @PrincipalNSS