RCI Monthly Bulletin

School Trustee

Our School Trustee is Sara Ehrhardt, Toronto-Danforth Ward 15. Please visit her website here.


Registration at Riverdale CI

The deadline to register for Grade 9 at RCI for 2024-2025 was February 26, 2024.

Registration at Riverdale CI is governed by an Area Review Committee (ARC) decision that restricts registration to families that live in district. To attend Riverdale CI you must live in district. Please see the TDSB Find Your School to learn about your district schools. More details can be found in the ARC Letter.

 Students that choose to leave RCI are expected to complete and Exit Form and cannot return to RCI in the future.



School Council

School Councils work to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents and caregivers. They are legislated and governed by Regulation 612 of the Education Act.

School Councils work inclusively, recognizing that all parents/caregivers have an equitable place in our school's community, free from racism, classism, and other isms, intentional or unintentional. They recognize that participation can take many forms and work to:

  • offer parents/caregivers a variety of ways to share their voices, knowledge, and expertise
  • recognize that relationship building is key to breaking down walls and barriers
  • strive to identify and eliminate barriers to participation for parents/caregivers
  • disrupt practices that contribute to oppression based on race, class, nationality, abilities, gender, education, or language


The School Council 2023-2024

Eugenia Christakis - Council Chair

Jennifer Ridgeway - Secretary

Heather Baily

Farah Baloo

Jennifer Hanna

Paul Mahler

Sharon Schmidt

Jennifer Volk

Shiela Wooley


The School Council 2024-2025

To Be Determined

2024-2025 Riverdale CI School Counil Elections Notification

2024-2025 Riverdale CI School Council Nomination Form



The School Council meeting schedule is below.

School Council meetings are held in person in Room 212 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Potential Hybrid Meeting information to come.

Some meetings will have modified schedules for special speakers.

School Council Calendar


School Council Meetings 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (Election Date)

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Wednesday, May 7, 2025

Tuesday, June 3, 2025



School Handbook

All parents and guardians are asked to read and review the Riverdale CI Student Handbook. An electronic version of this material is available by clicking below.

Download PDF.