Lunch Program



Lunch Program Rules 11:30am - 12:25pm

Students who will be staying at school for lunch will be eating in their classroom. Sendng your child with his or her own lunch from home, please note the following important lunch program rules:

  • Trash-less Lunch is highly recommended;
  • Do not send food to school that contains any peanut or nut by-products including chocolate nut spreads. Please speak with your child about the importance of not sharing food with others because of possible allergies. We have several students with severe, life-threatening allergies;
  • Drinks in glass bottles are not permitted;
  • Homeroom teachers will be reaching out at the start of the new school year to ask if your child(ren) will be remaining onsite for lunch or going home for lunch. If you have notified the school, at the start of the school year, that your child will be eating lunch at school, under no circumstances are they allowed to leave the property;
  • If you are planning to take your child out of school during the lunch please write a note and send it to their teacher and the office in the morning. You will be required to sign out your child. We will make sure the Lunchroom Supervisors are notified. The child(ren) is then your care and should not return to the school yard until 12:20 p.m. at the earliest;
  • If students are late returning, after PM bell 12:25pm, they are to enter through front school door #1--ring the bell and proceed to the office, sign in and receive a late slip before going to class.