Victoria Park School Garden

VPCI School Garden

After receiving several hundred tulip bulbs from the Canadian Garden Council in preparation for Canada 150, VPCI has had its very own flower garden. 

The purpose of the VPCI Gardening Club is not only to foster a love of gardening but to also demonstrate that there are alternatives to grass in public spaces. Gardening goes beyond the bounds of race, creed, or religion and is something that all people in all countries and all cultures do. Thus, we work to include as many types of agricultural understanding and methods as we can. All students are welcome, and all ideas are considered.

Designed and constructed by Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs. Reichling.  Maintained by Ms. Arjomand, Ms. Mal and students,  the garden's flowers attract many busy bees, as well as curious students.

Time Commitment:
There is no commitment required. It's drop in.

Meeting Times:
After school during good weather for about an hour or so during the fall and spring.

Join Instructions:
By using this form:

Extra Information:
We also work all summer and the work can be used for CAS or volunteer hours.

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