
Kudos, amazement and admiration to our EYCI Cybernetics Team 907!!!

While most of us were turning our brains off for March Break, our Cybernetics team were powering up theirs at the FIRST Robotics Competition Ontario District Competition at Ryerson University from dawn to bedtime March 9-11th. It was raucous, exciting and inspiring to see them in action.

Although we have a new team this year, and one of the smallest teams with seven members, they demonstrated impressive collaboration, innovation, design and engineering skills at the competition. They ranked 24 out of approx. 40 teams by the Quarter-Finals.

Most notably, the specialized skills of Team 907 and their robot garnered the attention from other top-rated teams. One the Top 8 teams honoured them with a request to join in a Robotics alliance to the next level! This is huge recognition from their peers and Team 907 certainly deserves it from us, too.

Congratulations to Abdul Haseeb, Soptik Dewan, Nicholas Banakas, Filip Maksimoski, Roshan Poowassie, Rameses Rocarerte, Manish Suresh, and teacher/coaches, Chris Perivolaris, Nolan Monaghan and Shanna Manning, and mentors!