Attendance Policy
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period. Students are expected to be present and on time for every class. Good attendance is essential for student success.
Notifying the school of an absence: Students who are missing classes should have a parent/guardian call the school (416-396-2355 option 1) before 10:00 a.m. for full day or morning absences. For students leaving part way through the school day please see the sign out procedures below. Failure to provide a reason for an absence will result in the absence being considered “unexplained.” This may result in disciplinary action and/or academic penalties.
Sign-Out Procedures: No students are to leave the school grounds during class time without school and parental permission. Students under 18 must have parental permission to sign out. Students who have to leave the school must come to the office and sign out with either a note or parent phone call. The only exception is during the lunch period. Medical & dental appointments should be made out of school hours when possible.
Extended absences due to illness: Extended absences for any reason should be communicated with the school administration. Extended absences for medical reasons must be supported by medical documentation. Arrangements for school work will be made with teachers once documentation is provided. Medical notes must state the beginning and end dates of the absence and specify that the student is unable to attend school.
Extended absences for other reasons: Families should not plan extended vacations when school is in session. For extended absences advanced notice to the Main Office is advised. Students and parents or guardians must fill out an Extended Absence Form and return it to the Office. Additional documentation may be required. Teachers shall not be expected to provide detailed classroom work & homework assignments for students who are away for extended periods of time as a result of family or parent initiated absences. Final exams cannot be rescheduled. Please make sure to consult the TDSB School Year Calendar when planning trips.
Excusals from class: When students miss class for a field trip, athletic event or school sanctioned co-curricular activity they will be recorded as excused in the student information system. Students are expected to discuss excusals with their teacher in advance and may need to make arrangements to complete missed content, assessments or evaluations outside of class time.
Absence During Suspension: If a student is suspended, they must remain off school property and away from the general vicinity of the school for the duration of the suspension. In most cases missed work will be communicated electronically through email, Brightspace or Google classroom. If physical materials are needed they can be picked up by a family member or trusted friend from the main office.
Automated attendance calls: If a student is reported as absent - unexplained an automated call will go to parents and guardians. Calls happen in the morning at the end of the first period and after the school day has ended. Students or parents who believe that an error in reporting an absence has been made should contact the main office. Parents with concerns about their student’s attendance should contact the teacher and/or vice-principal.
Absence from Class – Student’s Responsibilities: If a student knows in advance that they will miss a class, arrangements must be made ahead of time for any work missed. This includes field trips, athletics, and medical appointments. If a student is unexpectedly absent from class, it is the responsibility of the absent student to follow up with the classroom teacher regarding missed content and to complete the work. Teachers may request communication from a parent guardian directly to explain a student’s absence. Failure to provide the requested explanation may result in academic penalties.
Lates: Students who are not prepared and in their classrooms when the bell rings are late for class. Students who arrive late will report directly to the classroom teacher who will amend attendance records to reflect the lateness. Students arriving late must minimize disruptions to the learning environment when entering class. Teachers will use a range of strategies and consequences to address punctuality and/or recurring Absences including those set out below:
Consequences and follow up regarding attendance concerns:
1-4 Day Unexplained Absence
Teacher counselling student, calling home, before/after school detentions to make up time;
5 Days (consecutive), or 5 out of 10 Days (cumulative), Explained and Unexplained Absence, or 5 Classes Missed in 1 Course
Teacher counselling student, calling home, consultation with parent/guardian, Main Office may request external confirmation for absences, “Late/Absence Letter” may be sent home for parental signature, possible referral to IST to formulate strategy to address issue;
6 to 9 Day Unexplained Absence (consecutive only)
Teacher counselling student, calling home, consultation with parent/guardian, Main Office will request external confirmation for absences, “Late/Absence Letter” will be sent home for parental signature, possible referral to IST to formulate strategy to address issue;
10 Days (consecutive), 10 out of 30 Days (cumulative), Explained and Unexplained Absence, or 10 Classes Missed in 1 Course
Referral Main Office/Guidance, calling home, consultation with parent/guardian, request for external confirmation for absences, possible referral to IST/SST, actions taken may include referral to the Board’s Attendance Counsellor and/or recommendation to enlist the aid of outside agencies and/or alternative educational programs.
Detentions: Teachers, the Principal and Vice-principals may assign detentions as part of progressive discipline for a variety of reasons, including the need to counsel about poor behaviour or attendance. A detention takes priority over extracurricular and/or co-instructional activities.
**Students who do not attend classes on a regular basis may be declared ineligible for participation in co-curricular activities (athletics and clubs) and school events.**