Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup

This program is ONLY AVAILABLE late February to early April.
The maple syrup program at Forest Valley is offered during the early spring when the ground is starting to thaw and the maple sap is flowing.  Classes who are participating in the maple syrup programming have the opportunity to explore, investigate and take part in this unique Canadian experience.   This is a cross-curricular program which addresses components of STEM, Eco-literacy and Aboriginal Education.

In Grade 6 Maple syrup as a study of....
Biodiversity (Because all living things are connected, maintaining diversity is critical to the health of the planet)
How might the production of maple syrup impact the biodiversity of the forest?

  • Stay on trails to protect tree roots and young trees
  • Do not use pesticides
  • Leave dead trees on forest floor to create animal habitats
  • Show care for all trees and living things
  • Show care for animals and their habitat by walking quietly through the woods. 
  • Spring can be a stressful time of the year for animals as they’ve just made it through a long, hard winter; many animals are nesting and preparing for their young.
  • Since Forest Valley is not only a maple syrup producer, biodiversity in the sugar bush is maintained and valued.

Communities in Canada
How has the production of maple syrup contributed to the development of Canadian identity?

  • Sharing and development of technologies in and between communities in early Canada.
  • Development and significance of regional identities within the broader Canadian community.
  • Development of symbols of Canadian identity.
  • Themes of wilderness and landscape in Canadian art and culture