Understanding Life Systems - Needs and Characteristics of Living Things

Understanding Life Systems - Needs and Characteristics of Living Things

Possible Framing Questions:
What are the basic needs of living things?
How can we show care and respect for living things?
How can living things find their basic needs at Forest Valley today?


Learning Goal
If students explore the natural world at Forest Valley, then they will experience how the needs of living things are met and what humans can do to maintain a healthy environment.


Curriculum Connections

http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/scientec18currb.pdf pg. 44

assess the role of humans in maintaining a healthy environment; 2. investigate needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans; 3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans

http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/scientec18currb.pdf pg. 53

assess the impact of daily and seasonal changes on living things, including humans


D1.1 sort sets of data about people or things according to one attribute, and describe rules used for sorting


Possible Sequence of the Day

The day starts with an engagement activity to assess understanding, engage the students, and introduce the framing question. The morning is spent doing investigations, exploring and conducting hands-on inquiry in regards to both the characteristics of living things and how living things use their environment to meet their basic needs. The afternoon application activity is focused on consolidating and then conducting a hands-on student learning experience such building bug hotels or an earth repair project to help show care and respect for the earth.

Pre and Post Activities




ducks in water
I wonder what ducks need to live?