Energy In Our Lives

Energy In Our Lives

Possible Framing Questions:
How do we measure light and heat in nature?
How does the sun's energy help living things meet their basic needs?
How is energy being used at Forest Valley today?


Learning Goal
If we explore non-standard measurements of the sun's energy being used at Forest Valley, then we will learn how the sun is the principal source of energy and how different living things use this energy to get what they need.


Curriculum Connections

The Ontario Curriculum Grade 1-8 Science and Technology, 2007-Understanding Matter and Energy – Energy in our Lives (Pg. 50)
Investigate how different types of energy are used in daily life

Demonstrate an understanding that energy is something that is needed to make things happen, and that the sun is the principal source of energy for the earth

The Ontario Curriculum Grade 1-8 Mathematics 2020 (Pg.139)

E2. Measurement compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts


Possible Sequence of the Day

The framing question focuses the learning of the day. The day starts with an engagement activity to assess understanding, engage the students, and introduce the framing question. The morning is spent doing investigations, exploring, and conducting hands-on inquiry to measure the sun’s energy and explore how the sun’s energy affects living things. The afternoon application activity is focused on consolidating and then conducting a hands-on student learning experience


Pre and Post Visit Activities


under log

I wonder how worms use the sun's energy?