Interactions In The Environment

Interactions In The Environment

Framing Question

How does a single living thing relate to the biotic and abiotic components of its surrounding environment?


Learning Goal
If students witness the biotic and abiotic interactions in the Forest Valley ecosystem, then they will better understand the impact invasive species can have and what we can do to better protect the environment.


Curriculum Connections


B1. Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World

assess the impact of human activities and technologies on the environment, and analyse ways to mitigate negative impacts and contribute to environmental sustainability


Possible Sequence of the Day

The framing question focuses the learning of the day. The day starts with an engagement activity to assess understanding, engage the students, and introduce the framing question. The morning is spent doing investigations, exploring and conducting hands-on inquiry in regard to the abiotic and biotic components and relationships within an ecosystem and the human activities that impact our environment. The afternoon application activity is focused on consolidating and then conducting a hands-on student learning experience (e.g. Living Links activity, Cycles Game, or conducting an Earth Stewardship Project (ESP) connected to reducing our impact on the environment).


Pre and Post Activities

bug on a tree