Kindergarten Inquiry

Kindergarten Inquiry


Framing Question

What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Learning Goal
If we intentionally engage and extend kindergarten student curiosity with the natural world at Forest Valley, then they will naturally inquire, explore, investigate and communicate integrated learning in a real-world context.

Curriculum Connections

MOE Kindergarten Program 2016

(The Kindergarten Program 2016 page 306) - Four Frames focus assessment for Kindergarten teachers:

− Belonging and Contributing

− Self-Regulation and Well-Being

− Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours

− Problem Solving and Innovating

Possible Sequence of the Day

The framing question focuses on the learning of the day. The day starts with an engagement activity to assess understanding, engage students, and introduce the framing question. The morning is spent doing investigations, exploring and conducting hands-on inquiry in regards to what can be discovered at Forest Valley-usually throughout a hike. The afternoon usually involves rotations through the Learning Centres.


Pre and Post Visit Activities






Exploring Open-ended Materials in our Outdoor Learning Centres