Northern Secondary School

May 27th, 2022

Monday, May 30, 2022 01:03 PM

Good Afternoon Northern Families,


We have prom tonight so this will be a less refined bulletin this week with limited editing time. Another incredible week for our Red Knights:


The Girls' Varsity Soccer Team made it to the South Final and came away with a silver medal.


On the track: Congratulations to Northern's Track & Field Team for their outstanding performance at the Metro City Championships this week. Our Girls are the Overall Metro Champions! Next week at OFSAA, 8 Northern athletes will be competing in 13 individual events:

  • D'Yana Davies in the 100m, 200m, and 300m hurdles;
  • Jillian Deeks in the 300m hurdles;
  • Zoe Iczkovitz in the steeplechase and the 3000m;
  • Estella Irvine in the 300m hurdles;
  • Nicholas Page in the 400m and the 400m hurdles;
  • Caleigh Pribaz in the 800m and the 1500m;
  • Shami Sikaneta in the 800m;
  • Ena Smailbegovic in the 800m.

We are proud of the tremendous effort put forth by all of our athletes, many of whom celebrated personal bests this season. Congratulations to you all and best of luck next week at OFSAA!


Our Senior Boys and Girls are off to OFSAA

Early Vacations: Please note that family vacations are not considered a legitimate absence. Every effort should be made to avoid scheduling family vacations during school time. Holiday dates are HERE. In the event of a missed evaluation due to a family vacation, teachers are not required to provide an alternative form of evaluation.

Daily Announcements: A reminder that you can find daily announcements by scanning the QR Code shared last week or visiting the school website HERE and scrolling down to NSS Air – Daily Announcements.

See Trustee Rachel Chernos Lin’s most recent newsletter:

Next Week:

Northern Lights (Visual Arts Show): June 1- NEW DATE DUE TO PROVINCIAL ELECTION


Upcoming Events:


Athletic Banquet: June 7th

Tunescape: June 9

Grade 12 One Acts (Drama): June 14 and 15

Last Day to submit term work (as opposed to culminatings): June 15

Student Achievement Update in class: June 17

United Way Fashion Show: June 16 and 17

Last Day of Classes: June 23

Credit Rescue Days: June 24, 27, 28

Conversation Starters: (follow-up and a new starter)

Follow Up: Have you ever wanted to change something about your identity that represents the latter group above? The things that can’t change- they just are. Why would you want to change that? Was it something you wanted to change because YOU decided you want change? Or did you see, hear, experience something that influenced you to want change? Was it an experience that was hurtful?

Some thoughts: I really included some thoughts last week: If you answered no here, recognize the privilege you have. You are fortunate. But not in a way to be embarrassed or ashamed of- the end game is that we want EVERYONE to have this privilege- it SHOULD be an automatic. Be brave and take steps to help everyone around you to enjoy the same privilege- stand up to hate. What a shame that anyone could feel the desire to change something innate about themselves.

This Week’s Conversation Starter: I saw this phrase for the first time while doing some reading this week: Silence is Violence. I know this is similar to the very first Conversation Starter I sent out, but I think it is a phrase we should all become familiar with. Violence is a strong word- why is language like this chosen for this phrase? What is the point it tries to make? What is the IMPACT of violence? What is the impact of a classmate/ colleague/ friend/ stranger being silent when they see injustice? Is the impact any different than violence?


A Reminder for Graduating Students:

Our graduation ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 29th at 1:00 p.m. Our ceremony usually lasts approximately 2.5 - 3 hours. The ceremony will be held at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall located at 31 King’s Circle College, Toronto.

This year our Graduation Package Fee is $30 per student and includes tickets for you PLUS two (2) guests and gown purchase.

Grad fees can be paid using SCHOOL CASH ONLINE until Friday June 3th. Please print/ keep your confirmation/receipt as proof of payment.

If you have questions about the form, please email


TDSB Creates:

We are proud to announce that the tdsbCREATES 2022 “Intersections” Virtual Showcase is now open!

Visit the Virtual Showcase now!

TDSB Creates Virtual Showcase - Northern's Dance Class (Grades 10 - 12)


Direct Link to Video:
Student Artists: Jenna A, Dylan A, Charlotte C, Gillian C, Carolyn C, Gabriela C, Rowan C, Rebeca E, Ava M, Avery N, Bridgit O, Nicolas P, Luiza R, Kyla S, Samantha U, Alice V, Chloe A, Brooke L
Artist Statement
The theme of the dance we were given was Intersections. During the creative process of this dance, we wanted to portray how we all interact with each individual, and how small interactions with one another can change our life trajectories. Through this piece we are constantly crossing paths with one another and displaying how our individual lives connect. Sometimes there are people around to help and support us. This is illustrated in our movements and interactions with one another. Along with that, we wanted to communicate how certain roads and decisions we make lead us to where we want to be in life. While creating our dance we wanted to present the message, “You don’t need someone to find yourself.”

Northern Lights:


Our Northern Lights Student Art Exhibit is back in person this year! Please come and join us on Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30 to experience the incredible visual art and ceramic work our students have created this year.


The exhibition is on the 2nd and 3rd floors of our school.


During the evening there will be music, hands-on activities in drawing and ceramics, as well as a ceramics sale. Refreshments will also be served.


Please see the attached poster which features a painting created by one of our Grade 12 students.



Northern GSA - Pride Week:

Next week (May 30th - June 3rd) is pride week at Northern! The GSA will be selling a variety of items including jewellery, buttons, and stickers in the main foyer at lunch. All proceeds will go to Rainbow Railroad, a global not-for-profit organization that helps LGTBQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics.


In a time when there are more displaced people than ever before, LGBTQI+ people are uniquely vulnerable due to systemic, state-enabled homophobia and transphobia. These factors either displace them in their own country or prevent them from escaping harm. As a result of Rainbow Railroad, more LGBTQI+ individuals will be able to access lives free from persecution.


For more information on the organisation, visit:


Some history of pride month: June 28th, 1969, during a police raid of the Stonewall Inn (to arrest their queer patrons), queer and trans people fought back against the oppressive regimes. This sparked a series of protests and marches by the queer community of New York, which led to what we now know as the pride parade.


Let's all join together next week to celebrate the LGBTQI+ community, and acknowledge how far we've come and how far we have yet to go.


School Council:


Thanks to everyone who made it to our last School Council meeting of the year. It was great to see and hear what Mr. Wong and the Robotics team has been achieving and the amount of work they put into their very successful season. Good luck next year!


A big thank you to our long-time council members Melissa Rosen, Steve Sims, Karri Paradi, Diana Goldie and Samir Fahs who are "graduating" this year. Thank you for your hard work and significant contributions to the council, the school and the student experience. You will be missed. Wishing you all the best.


We remind everyone, as the year draws to a close, that it is the perfect time to thank your favourite teacher, coach or staff mentor for the positive impact they have had on your school experience. A small gesture will go such a long way! As Maya Angelou was quoted “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


United Way:

Hey Northern! Are you interested in being on the United Way Committee next year? It is a great way to get involved, improve leadership skills, partner with an amazing organization, and gain more real-life experience! Please fill out the attached form to either reapply by clicking on the “Re-application Form,” if you were on the committee this year or fill out the “New Committee Application Form,” if you are a new applicant! Applications are due by June 4! If you have any questions about applying, you can email the new co-chairs for this year Claire Martin and Erynn Levy at and! We can’t wait for your applications, Northern!


New Committee Application Form:


Reapplication Form:


United Way Fashion Show- It’s Back!

Exciting news as the United Way Fashion Show at Northern will be occurring on Thurs June 16th and Friday June 17th at 7pm each night in the auditorium. Tickets will be on sale at Northern beginning at lunch on Monday May 23rd, 2022. The NSS United Way Fashion show is community fundraising event showcasing student design, dance and visual entertainment.


To purchase tickets and or make a cash donation (tax receipts are not provided), please go to your cash online account and look for;


June 16th, 2022 United Way Fashion Show

June 17th, 2022 United Way Fashion Show

2022 United Way Fashion Show Contribution campaign

Northern’s United Way Fashion Show Fundraising Team is excited to announce that fundraising for the fashion show is underway! At this time, we are looking for items for our silent auction which will take place the nights of the shows. If any Northern parents/guardians or their businesses have any items to donate to the auction, our team would really appreciate more donations to maximize our funds raised for United Way in our show this year! If donating to our silent auction is of interest to you, please fill out the form below. If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to



Do you want to further connect with the Northern music community and take on a leadership role? Does organizing, crafting and executing engaging events excite you? Then apply to be a part of Music Council 2022-23! Executive and general member positions are open to all students. To apply, fill out the form by Friday, June 3rd at 11:59 pm. Good luck!


On another note... Tunescape is officially here! Join us on Thursday, June 9th at 7 PM in the auditorium to listen to a wide variety of performances from Northern's music ensembles. From jazz bands to vocals and chamber ensembles, Northern's annual spring concert is one not to be missed. Tickets will be sold starting on Monday, May 30th at lunch in the front foyer for $5 for all students, $8 for adults and $10 at the door. Let's turn up the music Northern! See you there!"


Graduating Students:


It is essential that you complete the Graduation Questionnaire ASAP. If you do not fill this in we will not be ordering a gown for you at commencement. Please fill this in over the weekend! Grad fees can be paid using SCHOOL CASH ONLINE Please print/ keep your confirmation/receipt as proof of payment.


Want to be a Northern Peer Tutor?

Tutor Applications for the 2022/2023 School Year Are Available Now!

If your student is interested in becoming a peer tutor, please fill in the application form by May 26th @ 3PM. Peer tutoring is a great way to develop leadership skills, meet new people, and earn community service hours while helping your fellow peers achieve success!

Application form:


Grade 9 EQAO (math) Information:


Fri. June 10: Practice Day

Wed. June 15: Book 1

Thur., June 16: Book 2

Teachers will be providing additional information to their classes.


N.S.S. Cooperative Education Partners Wanted

Cooperative Education at Northern is made possible each year through the continuing support of placement supervisors, local businesses and employers. Strong community partnerships are essential in providing our students with the rich, relevant work experiences a good placement can provide.

As a Cooperative Education Partner, you can play a valuable role in helping a Northern student develop skills, knowledge and work habits they will remember and refer to throughout their lives. As well, these partnerships are mutually beneficial as our students will bring new ideas, fresh perspectives, enthusiasm, and additional support to your workplace.

We have a number of Northern students looking for Co-op placements in a variety of fields starting in mid-September, 2022/23. If you are interested in becoming a placement supervisor for one of our students or know of a local business opportunity, please email or to learn about how you can become a Northern Cooperative Education Partner.



  1. Continuing Education Summer School: Registration Closing Dates

In Person Full Credit: Registration Closes: Fri, June 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.

Remote Full Credit: Registration Closes: Friday, June 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.

Credit Recovery SS: Registration closes Friday, June 30, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.


eLearning Summer School: Registration Closing Dates

July eLearning courses: Friday, June 10, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.

August eLearning courses: Thursday, July 8, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.


Differences between ConEd and ESummer Programming: Comparison Chart


  1. “Mandatory” Online Learning Requirement Reminder
  • Please complete the “Permission Click Form” shared with you in the email the TDSB has sent you recently.
  • DO NOT submit a paper copy to the school.
  • Students may withdraw/opt out of this new requirement and graduate with an OSSD.
  • “Opting out” WILL NOT affect a student’s eligibility to take TDSB eLearning courses throughout high school and opting out does not have any consequences from the school level.
  • Students can ‘opt back in’ at a later date if they decide to do so, so there are no consequences to opting out now.


Please visit the online learning graduation requirement web page for more information.


  1. Volunteer, Jobs & Programs - Lots and lots of opportunities being posted everyday! We are sharing summer opportunities for students in our Guidance Google classrooms.

Gr 9: kmv6fcz, Gr10: twdxca6, Gr 11: hfg74ws, Gr 12: u565fkg


Guidance Counsellor assignments:
Melanie Stassis – A, S, U-Z –
Leslie Usin-Rojas – B-E, T –
Jennifer MacPhee – F-H, K, L -
Andrew Primmer – I, J, M-R –


Lumenus Community Services:
Lumenus Community Services provides a registered psychotherapist , Dale Callender, on-site, full time at Northern, to work in partnership with the existing school support services. The service uses an early intervention model and supports students by allowing them easy and immediate access to mental health and counselling services provided through the In-School service. Dale Callender works in collaboration with TDSB staff in order to customize supports to enhance the mental health services that they may need and wish to access. This program allows Northern priority access to Lumenus’ mental health service program, and offers students a seamless referral process to other community programs as dictated by their individual needs.
If anyone would like to consult and /or set up a time to talk with Dale, you can contact him via his email at

Have a great weekend!
Follow me @PrincipalNSS