Immersion/Extended French

Photos of Commencement 2023-2024

French as a Second Language programs are available as Core, Extended and Immersion in secondary school. Students will select their program based on the total number of hours of French instruction accumulated by the end of Grade 8 (600 for Core French, a minimum of 1260 for Extended French, and a minimum of 3800 for French Immersion).

Extended French Students who complete the program are required to take 4 consecutive courses in Extended French and a minimum of 3 courses in other subjects taught in French. Successful students are eligible to receive a Certificate of Bilingual Studies in Extended French from the TDSB

French Immersion Students who complete the program are required to take 4 consecutive courses in French Immersion and a minimum of 6 courses in other subjects taught in French.
French. Successful students are eligible to receive a Certificate of Bilingual Studies in
French Immersion from the TDSB.