School Council



School Council is made up of parents, caregivers, staff and community members and plays a vital role in the school and school community. The purpose of the School Council is to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. School Councils are able to make recommendations to their Principals and School Boards on any matter. Principals and School Boards, in turn, must consult with school councils on a variety of matters that affect student learning. They must also consider recommendations made by School Councils and report back to the Councils on how they plan to act on their advice.  (

School Councils are an excellent way to get involved in your child’s education. Your School Council is an important forum for involving all members of the school community in matters that affect the education of students where we hear from the Principal, teachers, student representatives and the Richview School Council sub-committees.

The Richview School Council meets 8-10 times during the school year. All information on School Council meetings is sent out by the Principal and is also on this website. 

Parents and school community members are encouraged to join. Everyone is invited to offer their thoughts and opinions and voice their concerns.

As we move through the school year, we are looking to move forward as a Parent Council to help support our kids and the school.

As you can see from the Principal's emails, a tremendous amount of work has been done at Richview to prepare for the students to return. Remember, it's our responsibility to help monitor ourselves and our kids to make sure that they only go to school when they're healthy to do so.

Photos of Commencement 2023-2024