Vibrant School Grounds

Vibrant School Grounds

Orchard with Fruit TreesPlanting fruit trees April 22, 2010

These apple and pear trees were planted by grade 4 students from Heritage Park P.S. Each year students from Heritage Park are involved in activities in and around the Rouge Park that help to restore this area to its natural state.
In this photo, a grade three student is adding mulch around the base of young pine trees to keep the soil moist and stop weeds from competing with the roots.

This spring season, numerous schools have chosen our newly modified Environmental Restoration program that has allowed younger students to get their hands in the dirt to help "green" our schoolyard and the surrounding areas of Hillside.

Want more information on how to plant a tree? Read The Friends of the Rouge's (FRW) handy guide to tree planting.

Students moving mulch


Nature Study Areas
Friends of the Rouge, in conjunction with TDSB departments and other organizations have developed a Nature Study Area (NSA) Program Guide which outlines a number of lessons, development and maintenance ideas.  Check out the links below for some great ideas for your NSA.

Nature Study Area Program Guide
Nature Study Area Lessons
Nature Study Area Resources