Upcoming Events!

Bulldog Bulletin

Bulldog Bulletin Banner

The Bulldog Bulletin has all the activities happening at Jarvis for the next week! It is updated on Friday afternoons.

March 25 - Parent/Caregiver-Teacher Interviews


Parent/Caregiver - Teacher interviews are coming up on Tuesday, March 25th from 1-3pm and from 6-8pm.

Please note that parents and caregivers can book appointments from noon Tuesday, March 18 to noon Tuesday, March 25th for a 10-minute interview time.

Appointment Links:


JCI Information Station

Screenshot 2025-01-19 at 1.53.03 PM

JCI's Information Station is your source for all Bulldog News!

Students, please join this whole school Google Classroom so you are up-to-date on all events an happenings, and feel free to invite your parent/guardian as well.

GC Code: iyxgcmv

GC Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ5OTAwMDQzNzc1?cjc=iyxgcmv

Winter Well-Being Guide / Mental Health Supports

The TDSB has release their bi-annual Well-Being guide with tips and resources for families.

The Winter Well-Being Guide is translated into 24 other languages as well!

In the guide you can find:

  • Supports for Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Supports and Resources for Youth
  • Winter Programs and Activities for Children/Youth
  • Ideas for Keeping my Child/Youth Active this Winter
  • Resources for My Child/Youth with Special/Complex Needs
  • TDSB Resources for Mental Health and Well-Being

You can also access the Jarvis Mental Health & Community Supports as you need them.

Jarvis Arts - In the News!

Jarvis Collegiate Institute’s Music Department was recently featured on CBC’s The National! The news story focused on our school's use of music technology and hip hop to reach more students. 

The three-part article details how microphones, MIDI keyboards, and DJ controllers are opening up new ways of music-making in schools and how popular music genres, like hip hop and EDM, are engaging students who might not otherwise participate in traditional music classes. 

We are proud to be an example of innovation within the Toronto District School Board. Starting in Semester 2, students enrolled in our new Music and Production (AMM4M1) will be able to earn a Grade 12 University/College credit as they explore DJing, beat making, songwriting, and more! Speak to Mr. Jameer for more information.

This will also be an elective for course selection for next year that starts in February.

Click here to watch the video clip

Post-Secondary Pathways

PostSec Assembly

If you missed the post-secondary assembly please reference our slideshow. You can get more details for pathways from the Guidance Post-Secondary page.

Applying to College or University? Midterm marks data have been sent through. Check OCAS / OUAC transmission dates for the next data set transfers. Please check your marks pages on your application to make sure they are complete / correct! Come to guidance if you have any questions :)

Registration at Jarvis

Welcome to Jarvis

THANK YOU to all the families that came out to our Open House. In case you missed it, you can find the presentation, and other Grade 8 to 9 transitions information, on our Future Grade 9 page.

The applications for our MST program for 2025/26 are now closed. Families have been notified as either accepted or waitlisted.

The Out of Area Admissions process for students in all grades opens on Jan. 6th and closes on Jan. 24th. Please see our Registration Page for more details.

School Cash Online - Fee Update

Just a note that School Cash Online is NOW OPEN for payment of Student Activity Fees!

Please use the parent/guardian email that you have online with the school when you create your account for the first time. If you have children in different TDSB schools they will all be in the same account that you create.

School Council - Get Involved!

School Council

All parents, guardians, caregivers, and well-wishers in our Jarvis family are welcome to participate in making a difference in our children’s education, charting the course for an electric future and quality of life.

The Council meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the staff room.

Please see our School Council page for more details and contacts of our Executive.

2024-2025 School Day Schedules

Please note that most school days are on a regular schedule. Students can check their timetable daily on the TDSB Connects app and the class order and time blocks will always display the correct schedule to follow. 

NEW FOR 2024/25: the morning blocks (A+B) are also switching! 

2024/25 Daily Schedule



About Jarvis

Jarvis Collegiate has a prestigious history of academic excellence. As the oldest public high school in Ontario, Jarvis has a long-standing reputation that is built upon daily. Jarvis prides itself on this reputation of academic excellence and aims to prepare the next generation of community and world leaders.

Jarvis offers a wide range of courses, programs, and extracurricular activities. As a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) school, the students in our classrooms are engaged in project-based learning. An inquiry method of teaching and learning is utilized as students partake in independent and collaborative studies within the STEM fields. Further, our Advanced Placement (AP) and Pre-Advanced Placement classes offer students in grades 11-12 an enriched curriculum recognized by the US College Board.

Jarvis offers students the opportunity to enroll in our Business Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM). A SHSM is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).  The SHSM also assists students in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace. Go here to learn more about Specialist High Skills Majors.