Special Education Department

Welcome to the Spec-Ed Department!!

TDSB Special Education and Inclusion Vision

The Vision of the Toronto District School Board’s Special Education Plan is that students with special education needs be welcomed, included and supported within well-resourced neighborhood schools.

Much of this support takes the form of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) which give students the right to unique accommodations (such as specific teaching strategies, extended deadlines, and up-to-date assistive technology).

At Marc Garneau, the Special Education Team offers the following programming to support students:

  • Regular class programming with Withdrawal Assistance where a student is entitled to access our Resource Room in order to get one-to-one, direct instruction from a teacher and/or educational assistant.
  • We are also privileged to offer our MID Intensive Support Program where students from the surrounding area can access curriculum that is offered at their own personal pace and skill level.

At the start of each school year, the Ministry of Education requires that all schools follow a process for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs). The process in September is as follows:  

  • Parent consultation letter will be emailed
  • The Individualized Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) findings and previous IEPs are reviewed by subject and special education teachers, as well as administration 
  • Subject and Special Education Teachers will consult with students to review or plan the IEP depending on student need
  • Special Education teachers will create and/or revise the IEP with input from subject teachers
  • An updated copy of the IEP will be emailed home in early October 
  • Parents and/or guardians will review and add any desired comments. 

At any time during the yearly IEP update period, parents should feel free to contact the Department to discuss their student’s progress and/or to contribute to their student’s IEP.

We always look forward to hearing from our parents!

Find out more about Special Education:

for spec-ed