Morning Meal (Snack) and Lunch Program
Students are given a nutritious morning meal (snack) each day, featuring 2-3 of the food groups.

If possible, students should go home for lunch. It is a great opportunity for exercise, plus children benefit from eating in a quiet, calm setting as it helps prepare them for afternoon learning.
However, should you be unable to care for your child during lunchtime the program is as described:
Students are supervised in the school lunchroom by lunchroom supervisors. There is no cost for this program.
Lunch Program Rules
If you choose to send your child with his or her own lunch from home, please note the following important lunch program rules:
- Do not send food to school that contains any peanut or nut by-products including chocolate nut spreads. Please speak with your child about the importance of not sharing food with others because of possible allergies. We have several students with severe, life-threatening allergies.
- Drinks in glass bottles are not permitted.
- If your child is in the program, under no circumstances are they allowed to leave the property. They must not go to the mall or local restaurants to purchase food.
- If you are planning to take your child out of school during the lunch program please write a note and give it to their teacher to give to the lunchroom supervisor. The child is then your responsibility and should not return to the school yard until 12:20 p.m. at the earliest.
Each child is expected to follow the rules. If your child has repeated difficulty in following the lunch program rules, you will be contacted. You may be asked to provide other arrangements for your child.