July was an extremely busy and exciting time for us at Brock as we launched our first Environmental Literacy Summer School program. Students and staff had a fantastic time learning about the environment and the impact (positive and negative) we have on it. In addition to working in our rooftop garden and other fun hands-on activities, all classes had the opportunity to visit FoodShare and the Humber Arboretum to learn about sustainability and the environment. We also visited many places in our local community, such as No Frills, Dufferin Grove Park, St. Lawrence Market, and Kensington Market.
Many thanks to all staff, teachers, students, and families who contributed to the success of the summer program. We heard so much positive feedback from all participants.
Please see below for some special highlights of the program:

Brock on Metro Morning (CBC Radio)
Mr. Tran and one of the grade 8 students, Elena Andreev, were invited to Metro Morning to talk about our program. They both did a great job. Click here to listen to their informative interview.
Class Blogs
Ms. Kondo's grade 5/6 class and Mr. Malolos' grade 8 class both had blogs this summer. This was a great way to not only document learning, but to teach our friends and family about important environmental issues. See below for links to both blogs.
Grade 5/6 Blog: Our blog is about why Local Food Rocks! Once you click the link, login in the top right hand corner with the Guest account. The password is guest. We worked very hard on this blog. Enjoy!
Grade 8 Blog: Click here for many posts about sustainability, urban gardening, and socially conscious food consumption. No password is needed.
Summer School Newsletter
A HUGE thank you to Ms. da Silva for all her hard work in creating our Summer School Newsletter! Each class has a page that highlights their summer school experiences. Unfortunately, the newsletter is so good that it is too big to upload. We are currently working to fix the issue. Please check back in a little while. Thanks!
Visitors from York University
We had some educators from Korea visit us in July. They were taking a course at York University. After the visit, Maggie Weller, an instructor with the International Education Department, sent us these very kind words about the visit:
Where can I even begin to thank you, on behalf of the teachers from South Korea, enough, for all your warmth, openness, organization with student ambassadors and Alan, your most kind staff, your garden-par-excellence, and your-beyond-amazing students!!!! iI just goes on and on and on at Brock Public School! What a dynamic school!
You truly blew us out of the water! Our expectations were simply to observe a class or two in action... Instead, you sat us all on a magic carpet and took us into the ultimate of learning for children!
I will re-send the letter for your honourarium. Please apply it to care of your garden of splendour, and that would make us so happy!
Cheering you all,