Registration for Semester 2 eLearning Day School is now closed.
eLearning Day School is only offered to current TDSB Secondary School students who are also enrolled in one or more courses in their day school.
e-Learning Day School
If you are TDSB secondary student who is interested in taking an online, mostly asynchronous course as part of your timetable, the e-Learning Day School program may be for you. e-Learning courses are primarily asynchronous and run for a full semester. Teachers deliver synchronous lessons weekly for about an hour. Students are expected to log in daily and to keep up-to-date with their assignments.
Secondary students across the TDSB may take one e-Learning course per semester as part of their day school timetable. The course request must first be approved by the school Guidance Counsellor. Once the student is enrolled in an e-Learning course, the course is added to the student's current day school timetable.
e-Learning courses have been developed by the Ministry of Education and are delivered by TDSB teachers who are currently also teaching in TDSB high schools. Students must be enrolled in and attending at least one other course at their home school while enrolled in an e-Learning course.
Please note that although e-Learning courses are asynchronous, they are not self-paced courses. Assignments and evaluations are to be completed and submitted according to the due dates established in the course outline. Students are expected to log in and commit 75-90 minutes daily to engage in and complete work independently. While it may vary throughout the duration of the course, that is the equivalent of 75-minutes of class time, along with homework time.
Setting You Up for Success
All students enrolled in an e-Learning course are invited to attend an after school online orientation session to meet their e-Learning teacher at the beginning of each semester (September and February) before the course begins. The orientation session is recorded and posted for all enrolled students to view. In addition, each e-Learning course has an end-of-course culminating activity, or project, that will take place online. The format of the course culminating activity will differ between e-Learning Day School courses, but will take place prior to the home school exam week.
Please view our eLearning Day School Important Dates.
If you have any questions, please read Starting Your Course, Orientation, FAQ and other pages on the TDSB e-Learning Day School website. You may also email your questions to