Starting Your Course

Get Ready...


If you are enrolled in an e-Learning Day School course, you will:

  1. First you will receive a Welcome email from with important information such as key dates and your (future) enrollment in the "Introduction to the Online Classroom". The orientation module is not your actual course, it's just a handy introduction to the Brightspace learning environment.
  2. You will receive a Course Enrollment email from, informing you that you have been successfully enrolled in the "Introduction to the Online Classroom", which will contain instructions on how to log into the e-Learning environment (Brightspace) and how to access your “Introduction To The Online Classroom” module. We recommend you complete this BEFORE the start of your course.
  3. You will receive another Course Enrollment email from, informing you that you have been enrolled in your chosen course, which will contain instructions on how to log into the e-Learning environment (Brightspace) and how to access your course module for orientation later that evening.

You should also take a few minutes to review this Brightspace Quick Tour.

We recommend completing the Introduction to the Online Classroom module before you attend your Orientation. You can ask your teacher any questions that came up while you were doing the intro module.

Get Set...

Click on the Introduction to the Online Classroom link on your Brightspace home page and complete all of the activities.

This is not your actual course, it's just a handy introduction to the Brightspace Learning Environment. You'll learn how to drop of assignments, participate in discussions and much more.


On your My Home page you'll see a link for your course, for example: EMS3OE-10 2023-2024 Sem1 Media - Smith in the My Courses widget. Or you can access your course from the Select a course... drop down menu.

Either way, click on your course to get to class to see the information that your teacher has posted to get you started. Good luck!