July Session Courses

July Courses


Course offerings for the upcoming July 2nd - July 25th, 2025 session.
Prerequisite information can be obtained on the TDSB Website Course Search


Registration for the 2025 e-Summer School Program will open on Tuesday, April 15 at 10:00 AM for TDSB students and on Tuesday, April 29 at 10:00 AM for NON-TDSB students.  Registration will close on June 3 at 12 NOON for the July Session.

Additional classes of individual courses are created throughout the registration process to meet student requests, dependent only on the availability of teachers.


Please note that courses with low enrollment maybe cancelled on May 27, 2025.


When a course is full and closed for enrollment, it will be highlighted PINK

Course is Full

When a course has a wait-list it will be highlighted in BLUE.

Course has a Wait List


Choose your course above CAREFULLY paying close attention to the Sixth character in the course code!

Grade 11
BAF3ME Financial Accounting Fundamentals-
CGG3OE Travel and Tourism 
FSF3UE Core French
GWL3OE Designing Your Future 
HPC3OE Parenting
HSP3UE An Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology
ICS3UE Introduction to Computer Science
MBF3CE Foundations for College Mathematics
MCF3ME Foundations and Applications
MCR3UE Functions
NBE3CE Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices 
(preparation for ENG4C)
NBE3UE Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices
(preparation for ENG4C and ENG4U)
PPZ3CE Health for Life
SBI3UE Biology
SCH3UE Chemistry
SPH3UE Physics

Choose your course above CAREFULLY paying close attention to the Fifth character (U= University, C=College, O=Open, M = College/University) in the course code!

Grade 12
BAT4ME Financial Accounting Principles
BBB4ME International Business Fundamentals
BOH4ME  Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals
CHY4UE World History since the 15th Century
CIA4UE Analysing Current Economic Issues
CLN4UE Canadian and International Law
ENG4CE English
ENG4UE English
EWC4UE The Writer's Craft
FSF4UE Core French
HHS4UE Families in Canada
HSB4UE Challenge & Change in Society
HSC4ME World Cultures
HZT4UE Philosophy: Questions and Theories
ICS4UE Computer Science
MAP4CE Foundations for College Mathematics
MCT4CE Mathematics for College Technology
MCV4UE Calculus and Vectors 
MDM4UE Mathematics of Data Management
MHF4UE Advanced Functions
OLC4OE Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
PLF4ME Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership 
PSK4UE Introductory Kinesiology
SBI4UE Biology
SCH4CE Chemistry
SCH4UE Chemistry
SES4UE Earth and Space Science
SPH4UE Physics

Choose your course above CAREFULLY paying close attention to the fifth character (U= University, C=College, O=Open, M = College/University) in the course code.

The TDSB e-Summer OUAC/OCAS transmission dates are July 29th, 2025 for the July Session and August 27th, 2025 for the August Session. If you are in a graduating position, and plan to attend a post-secondary institution in September 2025 we strongly recommend taking your e-Summer course in the July session. Your future post-secondary institution may not accept your final mark sent in the end of August transmission. If you have questions about final dates that a post-secondary institution will accept summer school marks please contact the post-secondary institution's admissions office. The e-Summer office cannot guarantee final marks will be available for submission to OCAS/OUAC or directly to students before the end of August, 2025.