Need to drop your e-Learning Day School course?
Only your Guidance Counsellor at your home school can remove you from your e-Learning Day School course. Simply telling your teacher that you want to drop does not remove the course from your transcript. The home school Guidance Counsellor will go to the e-Reg Portal and change your status from enrolled to removed.
The Full Disclosure date (also known as Marks Maintain After Date) for each semester is very important to keep in mind. It is the last day to drop a Grade 11 or 12 course without the mark appearing on your permanent transcript.
Here are the Full Disclosure dates for e-Learning Day School 2024-2025. This meets the Ministry's new direction that the Full Disclosure Date is to be at the point where 75% of the course hours have been completed.
Semester 1- TBD
Semester 2 - TBD
If you withdraw from a course after the Full Disclosure date, the mark for that dropped course will appear on your transcript.
Discuss your learning options with your parents/guardians/caregivers and Guidance Counsellor.
Contact us at the e-Learning Central Office if you need clarification. We're here to help.