e-Learning Day School Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I can't attend the orientation session?

A: If you are unable to attend the orientation on the specified date, you must notify your teacher of your absence. Wait until the first day of class and email your e-Learning teacher using the built-in email system inside of your online class. Arrange with your teacher for an alternate orientation time after you have access to your Brightspace e-Learning Day School class.

Q: What is a Virtual Meeting (classroom video session)?

A: e-Learning teachers use virtual web conferencing tools designed to hold online meetings, conferences and deliver academic lessons and tutorials using a computer or a laptop, such as a Chromebook. Through virtual meetings you can see, hear and interact with your teacher and classmates. These meetings include many interactive features such as whiteboard, breakout rooms, survey tools, etc. You will use virtual meetings to conference with your teacher and participate in tutorials and lessons. If you can't attend a particular virtual meeting session live, you can watch the recording of the session that your teacher will post in your Brightspace classroom. Microsoft Teams will be the online conferencing tool used in Semester 2, 2023/24 e-Learning Day School courses. 

No login is required. Enter your Brightspace classroom. Click on the Microsoft Teams link at the top of your screen

Q: How often are the virtual meeting (classroom video sessions) sessions held?

A: You can expect one or two virtual meeting sessions each week totaling an hour or more. You should attend all virtual meeting sessions scheduled by your teachers. You should also participate in tutorials and other learning opportunities set up by the teacher. If you are unable to attend a live session, ensure you view the recorded session posted on the course homepage at the earliest possible date.

Q: Do I need to install video conferencing software on my computer?

A: You will need to have the ability to use Microsoft Teams on your computer. Your teacher will provide instructions on how to install or access Microsoft Teams.

Q: When will the virtual meeting (classroom video session) meetings be scheduled for my course?

A: It will vary. Virtual meeting sessions will be scheduled differently for each course. Please consult with your e-Learning teacher for the specific times for your course.

Q: Do I have to log in to my e-Learning course at a specific time of day?

A: You do not have to work on your e-Learning Day School course at a specific time of day. 
Teachers do not set a specific time for login; however, you are strongly advised to attend the live virtual meeting sessions whenever possible for you. You will need to login to your online classroom (Brightspace) every school day (Monday-Friday) and complete assignments by the date determined by your teacher. Expect to spend around 75-90 minutes per school day working on your course. Daily attendance and participation is vital to your success.

Q: I've submitted my course request through e-Reg, is there anything else I have to do?

A: Yes! You haven't finished the registration process yet! 
Your Guidance Counsellor has to approve the course selection request in order to complete your registration. If you're under 18, download and print out the parent/guardian/caregiver permission form attached to your e-Learning Day School confirmation email. Get this form signed and take it to your Guidance Counsellor at your school. Please see your Guidance Counsellor as soon as you can to have your e-Learning Day School course request approved. Don't wait! Many of our courses fill up really quickly. If you encounter difficulty printing the permission form please see your Guidance Counsellor for options, which may include over the phone or email consent methods.

Q: How do I drop an e-Learning Day School course?

A: Your home school Guidance Counsellor can remove you from the e-Learning course.
While we hope as many students as possible will be successful in e-Learning Day School, we know some students will decide to drop an e-Learning course. Keep in mind that if you drop a grade 11 or 12 course after the Full Disclosure date the mark will appear on your permanent transcript. If you intend to drop, do so before the Full Disclosure date! Please note that emailing your teacher about your intention to drop is not the same as dropping the course through your day school Guidance Counsellor - please follow your home school's process for dropping courses to ensure you are removed from the e-Learning course.

Q: Does it matter if I use a Mac or a PC?

A: Brightspace (the platform for all TDSB e-Learning courses) works fine on both Macs and PCs. What is more important is to always use the most recent version of your browser. The most up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all work with Brightspace. Internet Explorer does not work with Brightspace.

Q: What textbooks will I need for the online course?

A: No textbooks are required for your course. All content will be provided to you online through the Brightspace learning environment.

Q: Does it matter which Internet Browser I use?

A: Yes. Do not use Internet Explorer. However, if you are experiencing technical difficulties, try another browser or contact the D2L help centre (1-800-222-0209) 

Q: Who do I call for technical support if I run into technical issues with Brightspace?

A: Please start with contacting your teacher. If you are not able to log into Brightspace or reach your teacher for technical help please call D2L Tech Support at 1-800-222-0209 - this number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Q: I am a VISA student. Can I take an e-Learning Day School course

A: Please connect with your Guidance Counsellor at your current school to discuss the options available to you, as e-Learning Day School classes may be an option for you.

Q: What are the e-Learning Guidance Counsellor's Office Hours?

A: The e-Learning Guidance Counsellor is available to meet with students via Teams on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.   Click here to join the meeting