Green Team


Taking care of the Environment is a major part of life for students that attend George S. Henry Academy. For more than a decade we have been recognized as a Gold level Eco-school. Three times we have achieved the Platinum Eco-school level.  Our student led Green Team oversees our schools recycling and composting programs, they help maintain our 1 256 square foot community garden, they help raise money for eco-causes, they develop and market organic lip balm, and they stage plays at Elementary schools to promote environmental awareness.  In the 2015-2016 school year, George S. Henry Academy was one of 10 schools that won $25 000 in technology upgrades from Staples Canada!

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The Green Team, along with Ms. Filicetti and Ms. Gal, are presented with the $25 000 prize from Staples.

Environment Specialist High Skills Major

If you are very passionate about the environment, and would like to turn that passion into a career, our Evironment SHSM might be for you. Click the image below to learn more about our Environment SHSM program:

SHSM Program