TDSB Eco-Schools
EcoSchools is an environmental education program for grades 1-12 that helps students develop ecological literacy while engaged in practices to become environmentally responsible citizens. TDSB has funded the EcoSchools program since 2003. In 2008-2009 there were 310 EcoSchools within the Toronto District School Board.
With the release in 2009 of the Ministry of Education’s Environmental Education Policy Framework Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow, and Shaping Our Schools, Shaping Our Future document, schools and school boards have been charged with providing many opportunities for linking environmental action to curriculum. For more information on TDSB’s EcoSchools, visit the TDSB website.
To become certified as an Eco-school the criteria is organized as follows:
1. Foster Leadership and Teamwork
2.1 Reduce Environmental Impact: Energy Conservation
2.2 Reduce Environmental Impact: Vibrant School Grounds
2.3 Reduce Environmental Impact: Waste Minimization
3. Improve Student Achievement through Ecological Literacy
4. Contribute to Health and Caring School Communities