History, Geography, Civics & Careers

Head of Department: Ms. Navjot Jandu (navjot.jandu@tdsb.on.ca)

What is the History, Geography, Civics/Careers Department?

The Canadian and World Studies program will empower students to become responsible, informed and active citizens within the diverse communities to which they belong. Our courses promote:

  • An interdisciplinary lens and encourage students to think critically about current issues and historic events. 
  • Social justice lens to examine marginalized groups in society.
  • An Afrocentric focus to understand systemic racism and oppression.
  • Reading, writing and research skills to ensure students are ready for post secondary education. 
  • Use of technological tools to gather, analyze and communicate information.

Who are the History, Geography, Civics/Careers teachers?

Haroula Belfiore: haroula.belfiore@tdsb.on.ca


Jagruti Gandhi: jagruti.gandhi@tdsb.on.ca

CHC2D1-03; CHV2O1-01/2

Anita Griffith: anita.griffith@tdsb.on.ca


Navjot Jandu: navjot.jandu@tdsb.on.ca

CGC1D1-04; CGC1D1-03; CGW4U1-01

Marty Munchinsky: marty.munchinsky@tdsb.on.ca

CGC1D1-01; CGF3M1-01

Carlos Pacheco: carlos.pacheco@tdsb.on.ca

CHC2D1-01; CHC2D1-02