Biodiversity and Human Impact


What are the characteristics of living things and how is everything connected? What are our human impacts on biodiversity?

Through a variety of programs, students will focus on the connections between all living and nonliving things and the importance of biodiversity. Included in this is the role that humans play.


(but not limited to)

Please check program for seasonal availability:

 Fall =   Winter =  Maple =  Early Spring =   Late Spring/Summer =  Evening =

Note: Snowshoeing, Cross Country Skiing and Canoeing would be modes of travel to engage in programs at different times of the year.

Aquatic Ecology


Art: Collaboration with Nature

Group Initiatives

Bat Chat

Maple Syrup

Biodiversity Games

Night Walk

Cross Country Skiing

Owl Prowl

Custom Program

Predator Prey

Digital Photography

Tree ID

Earth Quest

Trees in the Community Through Time

Earth Stewardship

Water Inquiry

Forest Hike

Wolf Howl