Safe Arrival

Safe Arrival

Regular attendance is crucial to the academic success and well-being of children. The Safe Arrival Program helps by ensuring that children have arrived safely at school each day. As a reminder, if your child is going to be absent or late for any reason, contact us on our safe arrival line at 416-396-6450 press 1 and leave a voicemail message. You may leave a message after regular school hours. For one day absences, please state if it is an all day, morning only or afternoon only absence. If there is no report of the absence, the automated attendance system will try to contact a parent/guardian or designated caregiver.

Automated Attendance System Information
To help ensure prompt action to an unaccounted absence, the TDSB uses an automated callout system for the Safe Arrival Program. Parents/caregivers of children with an unexplained absence (i.e., the school has not been previously notified) will be contacted by the automated system to verify the reason for the absence. The system works as follows:
• Parents/caregivers listed in the Student Information System with access to student records, and the emergency contact(s) with priority 1 or 2 will receive an automated phone call.
• When a call is received, listen to the entire message and follow the prompts.
• The system will ask if you are aware or unaware of your child’s absence.
• If unaware, you will be asked to call the school immediately.
• If you are aware of the absence, you will be asked to enter the reason for your child’s absence (see response options below).
• At the end of the message, you will have to press 2 to confirm you received the message.
• If you do not confirm receipt, you will receive another call.
• If there is no response from a Priority 1 contact, this same process will be followed for Priority 2 contacts.
• If there is no contact with either Priority 1 or Priority 2, this entire process will be repeated 3 times in 10 minute intervals.
• This same process is followed for both morning and afternoon attendance. If you receive the call in the morning, and your child will also be away in the afternoon please call the school to advise.
• In the evening, all parents/caregivers of students who were late that day will receive a call informing them of their children’s tardiness. With this in mind, it is important that you keep current contact information on file at the office.
• We have found that cell phone reception affects the quality of the call, the preferred method is to call the office before school starts.

Automated Attendance System Response Options (Press or select the appropriate number):
1. Illness
2. Doctor Appointment
3. Dentist Appointment
4. Family Matter
5. Weather (this option is intended for extreme weather conditions only)
6. Other

Frequently Asked Questions