Due to COVID-19, students will not be allowed to share any food with their friends. We are also asking that no treats be brought in for birthdays, holidays etc.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mary Shadd Food and Beverage Policy
This policy is in place in the absence of a TDSB system policy.
The Mary Shadd food and beverage policy is guided by our common desire to limit children’s exposure to food allergens and foods which parents do not want their children consuming. We are also committed to healthy food choices as outlines in Ontario’s Food and Beverage Policy. We appreciate the cooperation of all members of the school community in adhering to these practices:
• Lunch and Recess Snacks: Children are not allowed to share food and beverages, including lunch and recess snacks. All parents are expected to provide their children with nut-free lunches and snacks. Please be sure to read all food labels prior to sending food to school.
• Breakfast Program: Meals served at our breakfast program meets Canada’s Food Guide and our processed food is identified as nut-free by the manufacturer or vendor. Menus are available and posted in the Breakfast Room.
• Birthday Treats and Class Parties: We recognize the importance of birthdays and seasonal celebrations but we also need to be mindful of food allergies, dietary and cultural requirements and our preference for healthy foods. Therefore, treats including candy and baked goods are not permitted for distribution and sharing in classrooms. Parents may discuss alternatives with the teacher.
• Pizza Lunches, Fundraising and Special Events: Occasionally, as part of a learning activity, special event or a school fundraising campaign, food may be provided to students in class or available for sale at school. These foods will be from vendors that indicate their food is nut-free and whenever possible, Halal compliant. In these situations, parents will be informed in advance and provided with the opportunity to opt out or required to be present for the food and beverage purchase.
If your child has an anaphylactic allergy they are required to have one current Epi-pen at school and he or she must carry the EpiPen while at school or on school excursions (Grades 1-8). Applicable medical forms must be completed and submitted to the office annually.
Related Links:
Food Allergy Canada: http://foodallergycanada.ca/
Ontario Food and Beverage Policy: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/healthyschools/policy.html
Mary Shadd Food & Beverage Policy
Mary Shadd hosts a Breakfast Program every morning at 8:00am-8:30am. The program operates based on parent contributions, as well as individual and corporate donations. 100% of all donations received for the Breakfast Program directly to these programs. Funding also comes from other sources, including the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto.
The program aims to promote healthy eating, prepare healthy food, respect diversity and individual needs, contribute to social development, choose Ontario food first and be environmentally conscious. The program is aligned with Canada’s Food Guide.
Mary Shadd Breakfast Program Launch
Eat well with Canada's Food Guide! Learning more about Canada's Food Guide will help you
and your family know how much food you need, what types of foods are better for you, and the importance of physical activity in your day.