Education Quality Accountability Office


Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)


All Grade 10s and students who were previously eligible will write the literacy test.

The purpose of the OSSLT is to determine whether students have acquired the literacy (reading and writing) skills that they are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 9, as outlined in the Ontario curriculum. The OSSLT identifies students who have demonstrated these required literacy skills, as well as those who have not demonstrated these skills and need additional instruction and practice Successful completion of the OSSLT is required to earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).


Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics 



The Grade 9 mathematics assessment measures how well students have met the provincial expectations in The Ontario Curriculum. The assessment covers knowledge and skills in mathematics that students are expected to have acquired by the end of the school semester in both academic and applied programs.

The assessment is based on the four curriculum strands of mathematics: Number Sense and Algebra, Linear Relations, Analytic Geometry (academic program only), and Measurement and Geometry. Students enrolled in the applied mathematics program complete a different assessment than students enrolled in the academic mathematics program.

eqao sample test


Framework Document

EQAO Practice Field Test 2020 - 2021

EQAO Example Assessments

EQAO Gr 9 Academic Formula Sheet

EQAO Gr 9 Applied Formula Sheet