Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

The Toronto District School Board is committed to providing learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful. Refer to the TDSB inserts for the OnLine Code of Conduct, the Code of Conduct for Athletes and the Consequences of Inappropriate Behaviour.

Student Code of Conduct

The shared goal of pupils, parents and staff at George Harvey is to mentor students to be responsible for their behaviour by building upon school pride, respect for self and others and the development of community.



Students are expected to behave in a way that promotes learning for everyone. Students need to follow the direction of their teachers and Occasional Teachers.


2.Computer & Internet Use

Pupils must adhere to the OnLine Code of Conduct, established by the TDSB. WiFi internet access via personal devices such as is also governed by the TDSB Online Code of Conduct. This includes sections covering Personal Safety Rules, Unacceptable Sites and Materials, Use Guidelines, Prohibited Uses and Activities, Online Publishing and Liability.


3.Use of Smart Phone and other personal electronic devices

The school recognizes and supports the evolution of technology and its value in teaching and learning. Devices may be used during instructional class time ONLY with the permission of the teacher, occasional teacher or other staff member. Outside of class, devices only may be used if they do not disrupt instruction or co-curricular activities.


4.Behaviour in the Halls

Students are expected to walk- not run- in the hallways and to keep the hallways clean at all times. The library and cafeteria are available to those with timetabled spares. Pupils heading to their classrooms, Coop and events are not to disturb classes in progress.



Pupils are encouraged to use the cafeteria to enjoy their lunches. While eating in hallways is not prohibited, it is expected that no waste or litter will be left behind. Students must dispose of waste according to City of Toronto guidelines following three categories: landfill, recyclables and organics.



6.Anthem, Acknowledgement & Announcements

Morning exercises require us to stand for the anthem (excepting verified religious accommodation), to honour Traditional Land and Territorial Acknowledgement and school announcements. If late (or not already in HomeForm), students should stop, remain standing and wait respectfully until the conclusion of morning exercises. Smart phones must not be used during this time.



Coats, jackets and bags or knapsacks must be left in the classroom or lockers; and, students are to sit with their class and teacher. Phones must powered off and out of sight.



The library is to be used for quiet research and study. Pupils will follow the direction of the teacher-librarian and follow rules as posted.


9.Racial/Ethnic Bias

Incidents defined as ethnic slurs, jokes, stereotypes, threats, intimidation, any verbal, written, electronic, physical expression that has the effect of- or can reasonably be expected to have the effect of harm regardless of intention towards a person’s race, colour or ethno-cultural heritage are a contravention of TDSB and Human Rights policies and will rigorously investigated to hold perpetrators responsible.


10.Homophobic/Sexual Harassment

These incidents may be defined as expressions of power, authority or control through sexual references in offensive jokes, name-calling, images, clothing design, touching and derogatory language. Such actions contravene Board policy and will not be tolerated.


11.Distribution & Display of Publications

No material may be distributed on Board property without the approval of the GHCI Administration. This includes but is not limited to social media, posters and written materials.



* As per Student Dress Policy 042 May 22, 2019, the uniform standard established by schools will remain in place for a minimum of three years. A review by Student/Parent Councils and staff took place in February 2019. The GHCI uniform policy remains in effect for the 19-20, 20-21 and 21-22 school years, but all enforcement aspects of the new student dress P042 will apply as of September, 2019.

Students… are required to wear the full official school uniform supplied only by TDSB-approved vendors: R.J. McCarthy’s Ltd

360 Evans Avenue, Toronto ON, M8Z 1K5 (416) 593-6900;



…are only permitted in the building in full school uniform.

…may not modify/change the uniform.

…can expect a discussion with a teacher, counsellor or administrator for support/compliance regarding the uniform

…must not change into their uniforms at school.

…are required to wear the uniform during lunch break.

….are not to be removed from class for uniform violations- P042

….must wear the uniform during exams and excursions unless an exception is made by the principal.

Uniform Policy Enforcement- As per TDSB Policy P042, Staff will respond with a continuum of choices to remedy any inappropriate dress: 1) Ask the student to wear additional clothing of their own to obscure the inappropriate dress choice;
2) Allow the student to seek out and borrow additional clothing from another peer;
3) Allow the student to contact parent or guardian to bring extra clothes;
4) Allow the student to wear clothing provided by the school; (e) Students who refuse to comply with choices provided to remedy inappropriate dress and/ or who repeatedly violate the student dress code may be subject to progressive discipline .



Smoking and Vaping are prohibited on school property and off-site during school-sponsored activities.


14.Substance Use/Abuse

Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming, sharing, selling or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on school property or off-site during school-sanctioned activities.



Snowball throwing is prohibited.



It is Board policy that all visitors with school-related business report to the main office. Students must not invite non-GHCI students or friends without the prior approval of the administration. This includes family members or pets. Anyone who is aware of the presence of intruders in the school should inform an adult.


17.Bullying and/or fighting

Verbal and cyber-bullying includes teasing, name-calling, put-downs, insults, sarcasm, undermining, racist/sexist comments, exclusion and/or gossip in person or online. Bullying may also take the form of physical abuse (punching, hitting, spitting, pushing, kicking tripping, intimidation, threats, extortion or stealing/damaging property. There is no tolerance for bullying and all such instances will be investigated thoroughly. If you witness bullying/harassment, report it. Anyone who has knowledge of an impending conflict should report it to the Main Office, a Safety Monitor, teacher or administrator and/or the TDSB Student Safety Line 416-395-SAFE.



Students are prohibited from possessing weapons or facsimiles of weapons on school/board property or when at school – sponsored events. Weapons include but are not limited to knives, brass knuckles, guns, laser pointers, fire cracker/fireworks, lighters or other incendiary devices.


19.Fire Alarms

When the fire alarm sounds, student must exit the building under the direction of the classroom teacher via the emergency exit as noted on the sign in each classroom. Pulling an alarm falsely is a criminal offence and police will be notified. Anyone who has any knowledge of a false alarm must report this to the Main Office or 416-222-TIPS.(7477)


20.Vandalism & Graffiti

Willful destruction of school property or vandalism causing damage to Board property or property located on Board premises is prohibited.



For use only by students with a physical challenge or injury; a key may be borrowed each day and returned at the end of the day from the Main Office.



Use only your assigned locker. Valuable items should be left at home. Lockers remain the property of the TDSB and may be inspected by school staff at any time without warning. Stickers, signs or graffiti are not permitted on the inside or outside of lockers. Hazardous items may not be stored in lockers.


23.Identification Cards
If asked by staff (event access, safety etc)


Progressive Discipline

When pupil behaviour, on a balance of probabilities violates the Code of Conduct, the pupil’s history, age, frequency and severity of the behaviour will be taken into account along with other mitigating factors, then a range of outcomes and consequences will follow:

  • Informal interview and counselling of student;
  • Guidance counsellor, Child and Youth Worker, Social Worker, Psychologist involvement to develop a plan of support for the student;
  • Behaviour/performance contract; Reflective Exercise
  • Confiscation of personal devices such as smart phone;
  • Formal interview with Vice- Principal to which parents/guardians may be invited;
  • Detentions; temporary withdrawal from class; withdrawal of privileges including co-curricular and extra-curricular;
  • Students and/or parents-guardians of students under 18 years of age may be required to compensate for damages to school or private property;
  • School-community service;
  • Suspension; Expulsion
  • Police involvement- when there is a violation of the Criminal Code, Toronto Police must be notified which may result in an arrest and charges or a warning.
  • Racial incidents and incidents of sexual harassment or homophobia will be dealt with as required by TDSB policy.


Student Safety

Many factors contribute to a positive school environment that is caring, safe, welcoming and contributes to the wellness of all. If you witness anything that concerns you, call the appropriate service:

  • Police Emergency 911
  • Police Non-Emergency 416-808-5300
  • TDSB Security 416-395-4549
  • School Office 416-394-3180
  • Toronto Crime Stoppers 416-222-TIPS
  • Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
  • Unison Health & Community Services 416-787-1661


Activity Fee

Funds generated from the Student Activity Fee make it possible for George Harvey to provide a range of clubs, activities and events that enhance the student educational experience. The $40 GHCI Activity Fee covers:

  • The GHCI Student Agenda & App *new in 19-20!
  • The George Harvey CI Yearbook: Student I.D. Card
  • Students Council/Athletic Council
  • Teams (referee fees) & Clubs
  • Computer Labs; Gr. 9 Head Start Day
  • June Farewell Event; Athletic Banquet
  • Student Subsidies; Guest Speakers