Welcome to the Kennedy PS website!
Welcome to Kennedy Public School! Our school boasts strong academic excellence, diverse opportunities and community connections for our students, staff and parents. Our caring and professional staff use differentiated and high yield teaching strategies that focus on meeting the needs of all learners. We have over 600 ambitious and creative students who are actively involved in their learning and take advantage of numerous opportunities to showcase their academic, leadership, character, athletic, musical and personal growth in the school and larger community. Kennedy truly is a learning environment where opportunity becomes reality.
Since the school opened in 1987, Kennedy has maintained a strong tradition of academic excellence. Teaching and learning practices that focus on professional dialogue for continuous growth and working closely with our hardworking students has consistently yielded EQAO results that are above both provincial and system levels.
Last year, our dedicated staff offered 155 out of classroom opportunities for our students that included teams, clubs, presentations, concerts, field trips and many leadership experiences. While each year offers different opportunities to match the skills and interests of our students and staff, we are well on our way to a similar number of diverse opportunities for our students this year.
We are proud of our growing student and parent voice at Kennedy. Through Spirit Weeks to showcase their pride in Kennedy and providing voice on many issues that impact their school, our student leaders offer much of themselves to make Kennedy a better place to learn. Through leadership and participation in School Council, our parent leaders have made significant improvements in our community for pedestrian and traffic safety, as well as creating new opportunities for the Kennedy community to come together.
Follow us on Twitter @TDSB_KennedyPS for the latest news about our school.
Frank Liu