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Why Runnymede is worth studying

Visit our Runnymede Website at runnymedecollegiate.com

  • Offers the only Masters program in high school – the Masters of Math, Science and Technology. 

  • Offers an enriched and integrated math, arts, science and technology program to challenge students with innovative thinking in the fields of
    robotics, bio-technology, biochemistry and software development
  • Award-winning robotics team – 70 members strong – traditionally excels at the North American FIRST Robotics Challenge
  • Opportunities for students to participate in provincial and national-level contests such as Fermat Math Contest and the Avogadro Chemistry Contests at the University of Waterloo; all excellent application-boosts for post secondary study
  • A rich history of athletics with more than 20 teams each year, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, hockey, track and field and swimming. Both teams and individuals have won many regional and district championships and competed in OFSAA Provincial Championships
  • Offers a highly-regarded technology program for students who want to focus on video and audio editing, graphic design, animation, web page design and digital photography

Read a message from Principal Paul Edwards > 

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