Student Services

Guidance and Career Education

Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12

Advanced Learning Strategies





Career Studies





Learning Strategies





Leadership and Peer Support





Learning Strategies I - Skills for Success in Secondary School





Co-Operative Education – see Co-Op Department Link





Staff List :

Curriculum Leader: Ms Wilma Pidhayny

Counselor: Mr. Ross Murray

Academic Resource: Ms Lou-Anne Kurchak

Student Success Teachers Ms Donna Brickus-Hollett, Mr. Ross Murray

Child and Youth Counsellor: Ms Karen Melbourne

Child and Youth Worker: Mr. Joel Jansen

Guidance Secretary: Mrs. Angie Gazzellone

What is Student Services? What do we do?

It is our goal to assist all of our students to have a successful school year and to make informed choices about their future.

Counsellors meet with students for:

  • course selection
  • career counselling
  • volunteer opportunities
  • personal concerns
  • crisis intervention

For students needing additional assistance, every opportunity is made to connect them to professionals, both within TDSB and the greater community. This includes social workers, psychologists, youth workers and social agencies.

Throughout the year, counsellors provide students with opportunities by grade or as a whole school to attend assemblies for:

  • diploma requirements
  • course options
  • post-secondary options
  • scholarship and financing opportunities for post-secondary
  • teen-related issues such as Anti-Bullying, MADD Canada presentations, etc.

Grade 9 students are supported with their transition to high school through our Moving On Up Program, which occurs the week before classes begin in September.  At Moving On Up, incoming Grade 9 students have the opportunity meet staff and senior leadership students and to familiarize themselves with the school and make connections with fellow Grade 9’s. 

Grade 9 students are supported with their transition to high school through our Moving On Up Program, which occurs the week before classes begin in September.  At Moving On Up, incoming Grade 9 students have the opportunity meet staff and senior leadership students and to familiarize themselves with the school and make connections with fellow Grade 9’s. 

Student Success teachers track and support students needing additional attention throughout grade 9 and beyond if necessary. 

Runnymede CI supports “Take Our Kids To Work Day” for grade 9 students in the Fall.  All grade 9 students have the opportunity to visit a workplace and to shadow a family member or a designated host.  This opportunity allows grade 9 students to consider educational and career options.

Grade 10 students participate in the school-wide Career Fair in December and then attend a special Career Fair tailored specifically to grade 10’s in the Spring.  At both events, current Co-Op students present interactive displays and information with the purpose of providing career-related information in a variety of fields.

All grade 10 students are required to take GLC2O1, a half credit in Career Studies.  In this class, students are given the opportunity to explore their own learning styles and to investigate different educational and career pathways.

Grade 11 students also participate in the school-wide Career Fair in December.  They are also encouraged to gather information and consider their own pathways after high school.

Grade 11’s are also encouraged to start research on their post-secondary options and to review prerequisite courses with counsellors.  They are also directed toward scholarship and bursary opportunities.  Several of our Grade 11 students have received bursary money to continue their education while still in Grade 11.

Grade 11 students who would like to develop their leadership skills are encouraged to enrol in GPP3O1, a credit course in Leadership and Peer Support.  In this class, students take on projects within the school and community.

Grade 12 students meet in a group and individually with counsellors regarding applications to universities and colleges.  Students are also assisted with Apprenticeship pathways.  Students are introduced to the many scholarship and bursary opportunities available to them.  In the graduating class of 2011, Runnymede CI students earned over $120,000 in scholarship money.

In the Fall, college and university representatives visit Runnymede to provide information and to answer questions about their institutions and programs to our grade 11 and 12 students.  Senior students are also encouraged to attend the Ontario University and College Fairs.

In the Spring, Runnymede CI provides a unique opportunity to our senior students through an event called “Take Your Work To Kids Day” (TYW2K).  This special day allows students to interact with professionals from a variety of career sectors, traditional and non-traditional, such as engineers, accountants, funeral directors, artists, actors, police officers, journalists, electricians, automotive service technicians, nurses, doctors, dentists, computer programmers, lawyers, etc.  The purpose of TYW2K is for students to explore career options and educational pathways and to have opportunities to ask questions about the realities and requirements of various fields.

Resource Support:

For students who have an Individual Education Plan and who may require additional academic or organizational support, we offer a General Learning Strategies Program in Grades 9 through 12.  Students who attend General Learning Strategies classes earn credits while improving their literacy skills, time management and organizational skills, and study and test-taking skills.

As part of General Learning Strategies, students have access to a computer Language Lab which includes programs such as Kurzweil, Inspiration, Read and Write Gold, and Dragon Naturally Speaking.

The resource teacher works with students and their teachers to ensure that their accommodations on their IEPs are followed and that students have enough time to complete assignments and tests.

Additional information with transitions to university and college is provided for our students with designated learning disabilities.


Parents are always welcome to call with any concerns or questions regarding their child. Ms Pidhayny, the curriculum leader, generally handles surname M to Z and can be reached at 416-394-3200, extension 20041. Mr. Murray (extension 20042) looks after surnames A to L, although either counsellor would be happy to assist you.






Scholarship Websites: