General Information

General Information

The 3 R's of Runnymede


MISSION STATEMENT: Runnymede Collegiate is proud of its culturally diverse community where rights, respect and responsibility are valued and where learning and teaching in a safe environment are top priorities.

Goals of Runnymede Collegiate

  • To prepare students for a post secondary education, employment and enjoyment of life.
  • To develop fundamental life skills, knowledge and attitudes so that students will become productive and responsible citizens in our multicultural environment.
  • To provide a rich and varied educational program that meets the needs of its students.
  • To create an atmosphere of encouragement, caring, respect and courtesy that will lead to the development of self worth and co operation among students, teachers and parents.
  • To assist students to achieve their potential in cultural, emotional, intellectual, moral, physical and social development so that they may become self-directed problem-solvers.
  • To maintain traditionally high standards of achievement and expectations.

Opening Exercises

Opening exercises will start promptly at 8:45am with the playing of “O Canada” and announcements. All students are expected to be in class and/or stop what they are doing and stand silently for the anthem.


In recognition of the importance of regular attendance, all students at Runnymede are expected to:

  • Attend all classes and not to leave a class without the explicit permission of the teacher.
  • Submit an explanatory note, properly signed by a parent or guardian to teachers upon returning to school following any absence.

The school has a responsibility to parents, guardians and to the Toronto District School Board of Education to accurately maintain student attendance records and to know where students are at all times. Therefore, students are required to sign in or sign out through the office when entering or leaving the school during the day. Students must submit a note to the office signed by a parent or guardian if they wish to sign out during the day. If no note is provided, a parent must be contacted before permission is given for the student to leave the school.

Late Policy

PUNCTUALITY – Students who arrive late for class cause an unnecessary disruption to their teachers and classmates. A late student often misses important information and instructions given at the beginning of the class. Students are expected to show courtesy to others and concern for other students by being on time for all classes. Students who cannot arrive on time due to extenuating circumstances are encouraged to discuss the circumstances with the office.

Late To School

A student who arrives before 9:15am is to report directly to their period 1 class where the teacher will mark them late and assign an automatic detention that afternoon. Students arriving after 9:15am must sign in at the main office where they will also be informed that they have a detention that day after school.

Late To Class

“Travel time” is allowed between classes. Late students will have each lateness recorded by their teacher and will be assigned an automatic detention that day after school. Students who are late to a class for a valid reason should present a note from another teacher. Chronic lateness will be referred to the Vice-Principal.

Lates-Detention Policy

Students who are late to any class will have what to be done to them, decided by the teacher in charge of the class. Each teacher will exercise their own set of rules for lates, and detentions.

The Teacher Advisor Program

Each Grade 9 to 12 student at Runnymede will have his/her first period teacher semester 1 and 2 as their teacher/advisor. The teacher/advisor will be a partner with the student, parents and counsellors in helping to plan for a successful academic career at Runnymede.

Annual Education Plan

All Grade 9, 10 and 11 students must complete an annual education plan which will be discussed with the teacher/advisor and reviewed by the teacher/advisor, the student and parent(s) twice a year.

The Timetable

Each day consists of four periods and one lunch period. All courses are semestered courses. A “Where Am I” page which indicates our daily schedules is part of this package. Please also refer to the School Calendar.

Activity Fees

All students are required to pay an activity fee of $50.00. This money is directed to support various student activities such as clubs, teams, dances, etc. The fee is due during the first week of school and entitles students to a copy of the student planner, the Magna Charta Yearbook in June and their TTC card. This fee also entitles students to borrow books from the library, participate in school activities such as athletics, music, drama, clubs, computer labs, and school dances.


A variety of food is available for sale in the cafeteria during the lunch period. Please remember you inherit the mess others leave. Very few people like their dining table or room to be a mess. Please clean up after yourself.

Computer Labs

IBM-compatible computers are available for student use at selected times during the day. A variety of computers are available in the Library. The fully networked cross-curricular lab in room 110 is used by many departments for full-classes under teacher supervision. Room 27 is a fully equipped computer class providing students supervised access during the lunch period. The business area also has three rooms full of computers. Room 112 is the Comm. Tech. Lab with modern computers, video and sound editing equipment.


Dances are held throughout the year, sponsored by Rustco and RAC. Dress varies with the theme for the dance. Students may be allowed to bring one guest up to a designated maximum number. This guest must be presigned in before noon on the day of the dance by the Vice-Principal. The guest list will be kept at the door and the RCI student and guest must arrive together. The guest will be asked to present a TDSB student photo ID card that will be returned at the conclusion of the dance. The RCI student is responsible for the guest's behaviour. Guest passes will not be sold at the door. Dances usually start at 7:00 pm and end at 11:00 pm. No one will be admitted after 9:00 pm unless they obtained special permission earlier in the day from the Vice-Principal. No one leaving the dance will be readmitted. Access to lockers will not be permitted. A coat-check area near the front door will be used; coats and bags MUST be checked. Students who attend dances will be asked to participate in a search of their person and belongings by authorized personnel at the door. Girls’ purses will be included. Any student found with alcohol or drugs will not be admitted to the dance. Any student smelling of alcohol, drugs or acting as if their judgement is impaired will be refused admittance. No refund of ticket will be provided in these circumstances. If a student is found intoxicated or in possession of controlled substances inside the dance, his/her parents will be notified to come and pick up the student. The student will be suspended from school and excluded from all remaining dances. ILLNESS, INJURY OR EMERGENCY If a student becomes ill or is injured at school, he or she should report to the main office and parents will be notified by phone. For this reason, it is very important that a parent emergency number be on file at the school. In the event the parents cannot be reached, the school will take appropriate action deemed necessary to protect and assist the student in question. Please ensure that all phone numbers or address changes are recorded with the office staff so computer records are correct.


Every student must have a locker with the combination and locker number registered in the main office. On opening day, each student will be assigned a school locker for his or her use. Do not give the combination of your lock to anyone but the main office; this decreases the security of the locker. It is our recommendation that students use a special security lock, which is available from the main office for a cost of $10.00. Students should not bring large sums of money or other valuables to school and leave them in lockers. If it is necessary to bring such items, arrangements can be made to leave the valuables in the office for security. Students are expected to keep their lockers clean and neat. The locker may be opened by the school administration with due cause.


Student parking is provided in the southeast lot (use Priscilla Street entrance) on a first come basis. The North lot is reserved for staff, guests and service personnel only.

Phone Messages

Students are reminded that only emergency phone messages will be taken for students during school hours. Two pay phones for student use are located opposite the main office.

School Photos

Every student must have their photo taken for school records. There is no charge for this, the student activity card is generated from this photo. At the same time, parents/guardians can order photo packages. A flyer with the info from Jostens will be distributed in early September. Check the school calendar for our designated date for school photos.


Smoking is not permitted anywhere on school property.

Visitors and Guests

All visitors, such as guest speakers, must visit the main office with prior notice and permission. For safety and security reasons students cannot bring friends or relatives to school. No young children are permitted in classes or in the school during a regular day; please make alternate arrangements.