Co-operative education

Co-operative Education: 2 Credit and 4 Credit (COOPAM/COOPPM)

Grade 11/12 Open


(For students applying for the 2 credit co-operative education program)

Job placements will occur during the morning or afternoon.


(For students applying for the 4 credit co-operative education program)

Job placements will occur for the full day



General Announcement

Please complete the COOP survey linked here by FRIDAY MAY 5. Your Coop teachers need to know NOW what field of work you're interested in for next year.



For 2023-2024 Coop Students Wanting a Placement in a Hospital:

If you are applying to work in a hospital please make a doctor's appointment immediately for a TB test. A completed TB test is a mandatory component of your application. Students need to click on the links and make a copy of the hospital applicationTB test form and the confidentiality form to start the application process.

For those students interested in Hospital Coop placements, we need to help you complete your applications by FRIDAY MAY 12.


For all 2023-2024 Coop Students Wanting a Placement in a Skilled Trade:

1. Click here for a list of skilled Trades for OYAP students.

2. Click here to learn about the PACE Construction program.

3. Click here to learn about the STEP to Construction program.

4. Click here to learn about the STEP to Transportation program.

We need to help you complete your applications by FRIDAY MAY 12.


List of All Forms

2023/2024 COOP application

Scarborough Hospital application

Scarborough Hospital disease health screening form

Scarborough Hospital confidentiality statement form

Accelerated-oyap skilled trade placements

Skilled trade placements within the TDSB

Steps to construction skilled trades

Steps to transportation skilled trades