Finding Opportunities
Finding an organization or service that you feel comfortable with can seem a bit daunting at first, but Student Services is here to help! Community groups and agencies frequently come to us with opportunities for students, which are posted on the bulletin boards beside the office. Additional opportunities can arrive at any time, so be sure to check back frequently to get the latest information.
There are also a number of school groups that provide opportunities for you to better your school, and collect community hours at the same time: Breakfast Club, START (Library Volunteers), Prefects, SAC, AV Crew, and TAC (Thomson Athletic Council) are some of the groups that run and assist with activities outside the regular school day to enrich and improve the life of the school. Speak to the staff advisors for these groups to find out about opportunities to get involved.

Volunteer Toronto is a great resource for students looking to find opportunities for community involvement. The website provides a meeting place for organizations looking for volunteers, and individuals looking for opportunities to get involved in their community. Be sure to talk to your parent/guardian(s) about any opportunity before making a commitment!
Opportunities that come through Student Services will also be added to this document. It gets updated as new activities and opportunities become available, so check back often to ensure you don't miss out!