Food and Nutrition

Food & Nutrition

Course Codes


Food and Nutrition (HFN2O1)

Grade 10 Open


This course focuses on making nutritious food choices.


Students will explore what influences their food choices and how they can make better choices or tailor their habits which can lead to a healthier, happier self.

Students will gain experience working in the kitchen to learn how to make nutritious meals and gain practical skills in food handling and food preparation.

Students will also explore some global competency towards food availability and acquire technological skills through conducting inquiry based research as it relates to food and nutrients.


Nutrition and Health (HFA4C1)

Grade 12 College


This course focuses on the relationship between nutrition and health at different stages of life and on global issues related to food production.


Students will research the role of nutrition on health and disease and assess strategies for promoting food security and responsibility for the environment.

Students learn about healthy eating, expand their knowledge of food-preparation techniques, and use social science research and inquiry methods to investigate topics related to nutrition and health.


Nutrition and Health (HFA4U1)

Grade 12 University


This course examines the relationships between food, energy balance, and nutritional status; the nutritional needs of individuals at different stages of life; and the role of nutrition in health and disease.


Students will evaluate nutrition-related trends and will determine how food choices can promote food security and responsibility for the environment.

Students will learn about healthy eating, expand their repertoire of food-preparation techniques, and develop their social science research skills by investigating issues related to nutrition and health.


Food and Healthy Living (HFL4E1)

Grade 12 Workplace


This course focuses on the fundamental food needs of young adults.


The wide range of practical experiences, will help students develop skills needed in food preparation for personal use and for employment in the food industry.


Students will learn how to stock a kitchen, make nutritious food choices, and accommodate the food needs of others.

Students will also learn about dining etiquette in different contexts and about responsible consumer practices.

Students will use social science research methods to investigate issues related to food preparation and nutrition.