Required Courses:
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Civics and Careers
Physical Education
ESL Sensitive Courses
ADA2O8 - Drama
AVI2O8 - Visual Arts
CGC1D8 - Geography
CHC2D8 - Canadian History
CIV ESL - Civics and Careers
ELS2O8 - Literacy Skills
GLS1O8 - Learning Strategies
HIF1O8 - Family Studies
HFN2O8 - Food and Nutrition
MFM1P8 - Foundations of Math
SNC1P8 - Science
OSSLT - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Each spring, every grade 10 student in Ontario must write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test in order to graduate from Secondary School.
This test measures a student's ability to read and write at Ministry approved levels.
At David and Mary Thomson, we take our role very seriously in regard to preparing our students for the OSSLT.
Throughout the school year, grade 10 students are provided with intensive and comprehensive instruction to provide them with the best possible chance of success.
Did you know that you are required to complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate from high school in Ontario?
Please download, complete, and save the file before sending it to your guidance counsellor.
Before you jump into completing your 40 hours of community involvement, there are a few things you should know:
Your hours cannot be a part of a course you are taking (sorry leadership and co-op students!)
Your hours cannot take place during class time (you can get credit for hours completed during lunch or spare)
You cannot be paid.
You cannot 'volunteer' to work for 'free' in a place of business.
You must record and submit your hours within a reasonable time to verify that the activity takes place (yes, we need to call your supervisor).

Why can't I volunteer at a for-profit business?
There are a number of reasons.
It's not providing a service to the community.
It opens students up to exploitation (free labour).
It could prevent a person who needs a job from getting one / reduce shifts for paid employees (because an unpaid student is taking the place of the paid employee).
It is expressly forbidden under PPM124.a, the Ministry of Education policy guiding the 40 hour community service requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
If you have any concerns about whether an activity would be eligible, you can ask your counsellor or refer to the list of eligible activities in the program brochure.
Important Documents
This form is used to record and track your community service hours. Please ensure that all parts of the form are filled out, including:
Your name and student number
The dates of all activities
The description of your role
The supervisor's name and contact information (if we can't contact the supervisor, we can't record the hours!)
Your parent/guardian's signature.
You can submit many of these forms as activities are completed, so don't wait too long to turn them in.
DMT Community Service Brochure
This document has detailed information on eligible and ineligible activities, a more detailed explanation of the guidelines surrounding the 40 hours, and information on where to find opportunities (including this page!)
You can pick up hard copies in guidance.
Be sure to stop by to view the volunteer opportunities posted on the Student Services bulletin boards as well!