
Providing safe, inclusive and positive spaces accepting of all students, is a priority in the TDSB. Our schools should be communities where all students are respected, welcomed, nurtured, engaged and encouraged.

Be part of making our schools safer – report bullying.

  • If you are a student who is being bullied, reach out

Whether the bullying happened at school, between students off school property or online, if it impacts student safety, the school must investigate and respond to any reports.

The TDSB takes bullying very seriously. As a system, we focus efforts on prevention efforts and creating a welcoming school community. Staff and students are educated on what bullying looks like and how to report. They are engaged through events, activities and prevention programming and encouraged to take on leadership roles to enhance the school community.

Students are also invited to share their voice through the bi-annual school climate surveys that provide valuable data for the Caring, Safe and Accepting School Committee. Each school has one of these committees which includes one student, one parent, one teacher, one non-teaching staff member, one community partner and the school principal.

Ontario has designated the week beginning on the third Sunday of November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment. 

During this week, our students, staff and parents work together create learning environments that are caring, safe, peaceful, nurturing, positive, and respectful where all students are able to reach their full potential.

We also provide support for both students who have been bullied, students who have engaged in bullying behaviours as well as those who were not the target of bullying but have been impacted. These supports can include: 

  • support in the school
  • youth workers, guidance councillors, social workers
  • closed groups
  • specific skill building
  • alternative programs